Cars for Cancer patients

james30337 Member Posts: 1
edited December 2023 in Liver Cancer #1

I am looking for a free or low cost vehicle to purchase. I am currently homeless and seeking permanent housing as well. Having a vehicle would help me in my housing search as well as being able to get to medical appointments.

Would anyone have any information on where I might be able to find this particular resource?



  • lafiere
    lafiere Member Posts: 2 Member

    I see many doctors. I need a car to get to doctors and things I need. I just had my 4th surgery for bladder cancer and on hormone therapy for breast cancer.

    I would love to be able to get a car.

    My car transmission just broke

    Please help me out


  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 239

    Hi lafiere,

    Thank you for reaching out to your American Cancer Society's Cancer Survivors Network.

    As your question is outside of our scope here at CSN, please reach out to us at ACS's National Cancer Information Center. You can call our toll-free number, 1.800.227.2345, where Cancer Information Specialists are available around the clock every day of the week to speak with you. You can also utilize the Live Chat feature Monday through Friday between 7am-6:30pm CST on Our specialists can look for resources which may help with cars or transportation options for you.

    Best regards, 



    CSN Support Team

  • Crystal07c
    Crystal07c Member Posts: 1 *

    I do what I can to make the world a better place every chance I get, including caring for my brother who became paraplegic after an accident 4 years ago. I had to quit my job but we manage and hey, it’s what you do for family. Plus he is getting better!

    The thing is, to add a another challenge, I was just diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. With my treatment plan, I’ll be making the 5 hour journey by myself to St. Louis quite a few times to get radiation and hopefully a bone marrow transplant.

    Right now we have a van that we use lawnmower ramps to be able to transport my brother physical therapy. It’s not too pretty but it works. Not reliable enough to get to St. Louis and back.

    So, I was wondering if there might have a good used car discount programfor someone like me? Not looking for a handout, just don’t have much money left to spend and need dependable transportation.

    My journey is not one for the faint of heart, literally. I would be grateful for any guidance.

    Thank you!


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,537 Member

    This is flagged for CSN admins. This person joined today and is posting on all boards.