Childhood cancer survivor

stapejr8383 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited February 19 in Childhood Cancers #1

I was diagnosed February 14, 1989 with a mixture I’m so brain tumor I was given a 5% chance of living. I am now 43 years old realizing that I’ve had problems all my life with commitment and holding down job. The job part was not that I could not do the job or that I was not good at the job. It’s just something that was snap in my head saying I don’t wanna be around these people anymore. I’ve never been to a doctor since my time in children’s. I’m currently looking and reaching out the different avenues looking for help. The thing is, I’m just not sure what is actually wrong with me, if I’m the only one like this, I’ve read a lot of medical research papers on childhood cancer survivors. I just hope with all these calls that I’m making that I find answers somewhere or help somewhere. I guess I don’t know if I’m the only one like this anyway thanks for letting me write this.


  • stapejr8383
    stapejr8383 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Sorry new here I don’t know how to edit. My diagnosis was a mixture germ cell brain tumor, back by the optical nerve

  • hijab
    hijab Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hi what was your diagnosis?

  • hijab
    hijab Member Posts: 4 Member

    My husband is also diagnosed with brain tumor germ cell tumor.

  • stapejr8383
    stapejr8383 Member Posts: 9 Member

    I’m currently waiting for you umpc hospital to give me a call back. They have a program for cancer survivors. Hopefully they’ll be able to lead me down the road to figure out what my problem as far as commitment wise and dealing with the double vision, that I still have to do today

  • stapejr8383
    stapejr8383 Member Posts: 9 Member
  • stapejr8383
    stapejr8383 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Sorry for late reply bin bit crazy here with all the phone calls and try find the rite path to go , far as how the best to fill with or treat me .

  • tczoomer
    tczoomer Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited February 19 #8

    I survived rhabdomyosarcoma from the early 1970's as a young teen. When you're a kid you assume you can handle anything, no big deal. It turns out that's not often true, and in my case I was diagnosed with severe PTSD decades later. It caused many of the same issues you describe. That is simply my personal experience, not saying that's what is affecting you. But some research is finding PTSD in many other cases of childhood survivors, so it may be something you might consider talking with your doctor about to either investigate or eliminate as a cause.

  • stapejr8383
    stapejr8383 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thank you it’s still all going situation with me, it seems like things got a lot harder since my mom passed away I don’t know what happened to me not working right now lost my car. Brightside is working with my family and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I’m just gonna lay everything out on the table for the doctor.

    I’ve heard many cases were they said it was the PTSD I’ve read the same things well, I don’t know if the same thing but read articles about it and there’s also a paper by Saint Jude

    If it wasn’t for my family right now, I don’t know what I would do but thank you for reaching out. I appreciate it.

  • stapejr8383
    stapejr8383 Member Posts: 9 Member

    This last year I’ve had a few doctors appointments and I’m 44 years old now and this is the first time I really seen doctor since I was diagnosed with cancer back in the early 90s

  • avaschmidt
    avaschmidt Member Posts: 6 Member


    Sorry to hear about your  brain tumor .