2nd opinion anal cancer

Maulie Member Posts: 5 Member
edited July 8 in Anal Cancer #1

I have recently been diagnosed with SCC anal cancer. Right now, it’s stage 2, CT and MRI didn’t indicate nodes or Metz. I had my first meeting with the Radiology Oncologist yesterday. I can’t stand her. No bedside manner, spoke to my husband more than me, and wouldn’t answer my questions until she was done with her schpeel (sp). She also didn’t share what her experience was with patients with anal SCC when I asked.

I want a second opinion, and and preferably a different radiology Oncologist. I am in the process of setting up those appointments, but it will delay starting treatment - which worries me. Has anyone sought a second opinion and did the delay change your cancer stage? I want to keep this out of my lymph nodes and am concerned the delay will cause more harm than good.

Thoughts and advice?

Thank you - Maudie


  • Wobbly2024
    Wobbly2024 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Although diagnosed in mid April, treatment started this week. Got a 2nd opinion from the Mayo during that time - they said come see us after treatment is over - go ahead with the treatment. Stage 2 “tiny” tumor that has been there for awhile did not change stage during that time period.

  • Maulie
    Maulie Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you! Your responses are reassuring for me. I have a second opinion set up for next week, had PET scan today I’m trying to keep things moving along, but I need to be sure and have confidence in the clinic that provides the treatment.
    My thought on pills vs pump are similar to yours too. I have family in MN, so I may contact Mayo after treatment as well.

    Good luck to you!


  • Smiles60
    Smiles60 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi. I didn’t get a 2nd opinion and wish I had. Due to radiation I will always have issues that very inconvenient.

    Only word of advice, take the time for a 2nd opinion!

  • Maulie
    Maulie Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you for your input. I am proceeding with a second opinion. I had my first meeting today (2nd opinion)with medical oncology, Friday I meet with radiology. My first radiology oncologist was not impressive. I am hoping for a better outcome Friday.
    One of my questions is the use of dilators during treatment (radiation). I am reading this is a good idea. I am also interested in the clinical study for reduced chemo radiation for early detection cancer.

  • Wobbly2024
    Wobbly2024 Member Posts: 5 Member

    2nd opinion process was fairly painless? When you are meeting with doctors for 2nd opinion, perhaps ask why they didn’t recommend just go ahead with the initial course of treatment & come see them when it’s done. Dilators - ugh. If you can tolerate it, & avoid complications, might as well. Find yourself preservative free lubricant. If trying to avoid challenges in the future, dilator therapy is recommended for quite awhile after treatment. Read the clinical study info carefully. Are you responsible financially if future tests aren’t covered by your insurance?

  • Smiles60
    Smiles60 Member Posts: 7 Member

    If you enjoy sex, you will want to use the dilators.
    They told me I only needed to use it during radiation treatments. Not so, you need to use it at least once per day, with lube, plus during your treatments. If I had known this, I wouldn’t be having the issues I am today. I am almost at my 5 years anniversary with no cancer.

    If radiation can’t provide you the correct size, Amazon sells a set, in all different sizes.

    Good luck! I’m here if you need a sounding board.

  • avaschmidt
    avaschmidt Member Posts: 6 Member


    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and the experience with your current Radiology Oncologist.

  • smr7059
    smr7059 Member Posts: 14 Member

    Regarding Dialators. I am 77 yrs.old & recently finished 2 (96 hr).Chemo & 30 Rad. treatments on Feb. 16,2024. My follow up app't. was in May with my Rad. Onc. That's when he told me about using Dialators to help prevent vaginal scar tissue. I tried it once & that was it! At my age, do I really need to be doing this? I had a complete Hysterectomy when I was 42, so, no more Pap Smears, Gyn Exams, etc. Can anyone share their issues & tell me the benefit of using it. TIA— I appreciate everyone's comments.