Thyroid cancer

Andrea911 Member Posts: 4 Member


I am new here. My sister was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last October. She had a full thyrelodectomy in December and in March of this year she had a RAI treatment. It's been now two months since the treatment and she still feels very very tired,but our main concern is that she has pain from the inside of the insision. Before RAI she started to feel the insision more relaxed but after the treatment some days the pain is worse even from the first days of the surgery. At first we thought that it was ok,because of the RAI the remain pieces of thyroid are shrinking,but now,after two months it feels a lot. Her doctor doesn't pay to much attention because he says there are no long time effects of the RAI and that her symptoms are a result from the T4 she takes. But she is very concern. Does anyone had similar situation? Just to make her feel that it's ok. I had to search the internet to find information because she feels worse when she does it, that's why i am writing the post. Please if somebody is feeling somehow the same tell me,so sge can feel safe with her body again.



  • andstal
    andstal Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hello, I'm newly diagnosed myself so I can not say much on the pain but if her doctor doesn't pay much attention, get a new doctor. I'm sorry, but this is a major concern for your sister and if the doctor can't calm her fears in a way that she needs, they're plenty of endocrinologist out there that care. This is just my humble opinion (MHO). I do wish her well.

  • Andrea911
    Andrea911 Member Posts: 4 Member