Just diagnosed

Thomasian Member Posts: 6 Member
edited June 21 in Kidney Cancer #1

Hello all,

TI have just been diagnosed with kidney cancer. My chest CT is on Friday. The following is the MRI results. My doctor said that it is clear cell cancer.

KIDNEYS: There is a partially exophytic mass arising from the medial aspect of the upper pole of the left kidney and is well-circumscribed. It measures 4.3 x 4.2 x 4.2 cm. Relatively heterogeneous enhancement is seen within this lesion. There is notable T2 hyperintense signal within the central and caudal portions of this mass. No intrinsic T1 signal is noted.

CONCLUSION: Partially exophytic mass arising from the upper pole left kidney, as described and is very suspicious for renal cell carcinoma with superimposed areas of necrosis/cystic change. No renal vein invasion. No retroperitoneal adenopathy by size criteria.

Any thoughts? Has anyone had necrosis?

Thanks so much,



  • dmaikui
    dmaikui Member Posts: 13 Member

    I'm going in for my abdomen MRI today. A mass on my kidney showed on some scan they did, I went for an ultrasound on my kidney and nothing showed. Now the MRI. I just had a mastectomy for breast cancer for the second time. Did you have symptoms on your kidney? Did they do an ultrasound? Will they do a biopsy now? So sorry you're going through this, I totally understand how you feel. I met a man here at Fred Hutch that had renal cancer, they removed his kidney a few years ago, he's 77 and his numbers are good and he is very active.

  • Thomasian
    Thomasian Member Posts: 6 Member

    I had a X-ray which showed a spot on my kidney. I had an MRI of my kidneys, which I have shared the results, and was diagnosed with clear cell kidney cancer. No biopsy needed. Tomorrow I go in for a CT scan of my lungs to see if it has spread. I meet with the surgeon on Monday.

    I guess all we can do is wait for the next step. My wife and I have been doing our best to remain grounded. Hope that your results come back clear. Hang in there.
