Diagnosed with grade 2 PC psa 2.7 Gleason 3+4

RodgerM Member Posts: 63 Member
edited June 21 in Prostate Cancer #1

Hi updating and confirming PC, 7 out of 13 samples positive . Unfortunately looks like PC on both sides maybe ruling out any focal treatments.

Today I start doctor visits for my treat options …My main concern are the LUTS that I am experiencing, LUTS similar to BPH.( tho my prostate is only 21cc and is small according to the doctor)

Also doctor feels the symptoms are possible not from PC? But he’s doesn’t know . (Confusing)

My LUTS started acutely 3 months ago , and never returned to normal. I have hesitancy, intermittent and weak stream at times , and the sensation to pee when I don’t need to . I’m on flow max and Celias now and they definitely help, but not resolved . Still suffering from these LUTS and in 3 months other then meds docs haven’t addressed these symptoms, just the PC diagnosis to date.

My thoughts are leaning towards some form of radation , IMRT or Proton. (Concerned radiation will cause symptoms to worsen .) But, with these LUTS symptoms I might consider surgery, so that I won’t have them , just some new ones . Not looking to trade symptoms via treatments..
If docs can’t diagnosis without a doubt why I’m having the LUTS , how can I choose a treatments.

So here lies the complication of my case and diagnosis of PC.
I’m hoping with the multiple doctor visits and option treatments this week maybe I’ll find a Doctor Who will spend the time to try to diagnose my symptoms before I choose a treatment.

Anyone with some advice whom may have similar case .
Also tell me why you chose your treatments and if you had any symptoms that you’re currently experiencing.

Thanks Roger


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 19 #2


    If it was me I would be seeking a second opinion from another Urologist/healthcare system. Its your choice on treatment protocols based on the doctor team that has you in it’s best interest. Did you have an MRI or PMSA PET scan to look if the cancer has spread outside of the Prostate? I would think that should be part of your homework so you can choose an effective treatment. To answer your question I had robotic surgery in 2014 with minor ED and I drip a drop or two when I lift heavy objects so I wear a light pad daily. I am fine with that, I hope the cancer is gone from my body. I am so far undetectable almost 10 yrs. later. My choice did not slow me or any of my activity's, keep on keepin on. I chose surgery to get the cancer out of my body and have the option if it returned for radiation and other treatments. Can’t stress the importance of having a good doctor team plus top notch facilities to get the best results. It always good to have a plan and a backup plan before you pull the trigger. Sounds like you are starting to work through the process, good luck.

    Dave 3+4

  • RodgerM
    RodgerM Member Posts: 63 Member

    thanks dave,

    Yea I have second today and tomorrow as well as treatment options.
    had all the tests mri, biospy diagnosis PC.

    Doc said since I am in early intermediate grade 2 PMSA PET isn’t warranted.

    Radiation just seems better in terms of how radical surgery is and how each person responds differently post surgery, it’s a big concern . I get the get the cancer out of me , but with most all treatments cure rates are so similar. It has to be all about quality of life going forward . Which treatment give me the best outcome me for that chance . Unfortunately for me I’ve already experienced radiation and chemo for throat and neck cancer. I had been cancer free until now.
    Surgery is still an option and I have scheduled appointment.
    I really want my symptoms addressed and a resolution for them . Are they from the cancer or is there something else going on.
    like BPH (unlikely ) over active bladder (maybe, tho I don’t real present those symptoms). I’m thinking these things should be ruled out to help with the treatment decision. So far they just throw meds at it ..

    So this week I have many different docs visits and I hopefull to find the right team.

    One thing I learned is no reason to rush to any treatment . It’s a huge decision probably the biggest one I’ve every go to make .

  • swl1956
    swl1956 Member Posts: 121 Member

    I waited over 6 months before treatment with a 4+3 unfavorable tumor. So yes, take your time and find the best doctors. Just my opinion, but I believe a cancer center of excellence will be your best choice. If Pca on one side is a lower grade small percentage 3+3 you may still be a candidate for Focal. It's not applicable for everyone experiencing Pca, but I believe a good option for those that are. I too would want a better understanding of your LUTS before making any choice of treatment. I would think urinary retention and weak stream would be resolved by having your prostate surgically removed? Keep in mind that salvage surgery after radiation is something to avoid. Just my opinion.

  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 85 Member

    RodgerM, what is your age, and your general state of health? I think those are factors in making decisions.

  • RodgerM
    RodgerM Member Posts: 63 Member
  • RodgerM
    RodgerM Member Posts: 63 Member

    Yes, thanks .

    Got some time to work out these symptoms first then hit some treatments .

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    FYI i tell everybody this you are better send it out for genomic testing. Make sure that there’s no cribiform involved I had cribiform involved and radiation did not work. I had salvage surgery 2 months afo i was good dor five years then psa started rising and I am waiting on my first PSA test as we speak after suegery . I did radiation for nothing and now I don’t have a back up plan cribiform is radiation resistant and dont let anybody else tell you otherwise

  • RodgerM
    RodgerM Member Posts: 63 Member

    wow that’s something to consider I will

    Talk to the doc about it today.

  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 85 Member

    RodgerM my doc said that my BPH and PC issues were unrelated, so perhaps true of LUTS.

  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 321 Member

    Surgery will fix the LUTS, assuming it is prostate-related. It could swing to the far side and stay there with incontinence, that is a risk.

    Radiation would likely make the LUTS worse. That’s a big counter-indicator.

    You can treat the LUTS now and make yourself a better candidate for radiation. That is what I’ve done. I had a HoLEP, resolved all urinary issues, and am now on AS. I had a large prostate going in, though.

    There’s this clinical study ongoing about just that topic. You could be a candidate? Worth a call or email to get some free medical advice.