A long wait

papajohn1000 Member Posts: 12 Member
edited June 18 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in March and was supposed to start chemo a couple of weeks later. Wrong. Covid put me in the hospital for 21 days and then to a rehab center to fight a staff infection until 2 weeks ago Wed I came home. I have been ok to start chemo with a nurse, pt and ot coming to visit and hopefully I will start chemo soon


  • martab
    martab Member Posts: 2 Member

    Sorry for your delay. I was diagnosed on March also. Ended up with pneumonia and my surgery was postponed until May 6th. Pathology showed it was stage 3b. I just got my port put in yesterday and start chemo next week. Prayers for you and that your chemo will start soon and you will do well with it.

  • papajohn1000
    papajohn1000 Member Posts: 12 Member

    It was too long after surgery and the doctor says no chemo I am a high stage 2 and a low stage 3 I go back to the cancer doctor on July 16 after getting a ct scan and back to the surgeon the next week Hopefully I will get rid of the bag soon after that Prayers for you

  • papajohn1000
    papajohn1000 Member Posts: 12 Member

    Jim Valvano made a speech on YouTube saying Never Give Up Don't Ever Give Up He died of lukemia and has a foundation in his name for cancer research Listen to his speech sometime