dietary suggestions during pelvic radiation

hikinggirl Member Posts: 2 *

Does anyone have suggestions for me related to good nutrition during pelvic radiation for uterine cancer, post hysterectomy.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    Most likely a dietician would recommend the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) as the radiation can cause diarhea. I am not going to lie, this one I had a really hard time wrapping my brain around. However, the dietician had given me a study on cervical cancer patients and those that took probiotics and those who did not take probiotics.

    The women who took them had no hospital stays or severe diarhea or dehydration. The numbers were just numbing to my brain.

    I had taken them all along, and other than initially learning to 'adjust' some after radiation started, I did not have a lot of issues and would suggest asking if they are ok to take. To me, gut health is very real and it needs to be taken care of daily. Just me.

  • hikinggirl
    hikinggirl Member Posts: 2 *

    Thank you. Very helpful.

  • zsazsa1
    zsazsa1 Member Posts: 570 Member

    Probably too late to help hikinggirl, but I didn't find out about using probiotics until I was having constant diarrhea about 2 weeks into radiation. Probiotics helped immensely. Others said to start them a week before radiation, and continue throughout. Someone who had done this said they had NO diarrhea, which is just incredible to me.

  • JDC7178
    JDC7178 Member Posts: 1 Member

    its been a year since my radiation treatment. I still have to monitor what I eat. I always carry a spare set of clothing in my car in case of a diarrhea accident. Also Imodium has become a must have. I find If I know that I will be eating something that may upset my stomach, I take one Imodium at the start of the day

  • bav
    bav Member Posts: 15 Member

    Hello @JDC7178, I'm sorry you are going through this. I finished pelvic radiation 18 months ago and wanted you to know that I too experienced fecal urgency and incontinence for about a year or more. I carried spare clothing too. It certainly restricted my activities and I was miserable. I'm here to say that it very gradually improved for me. I am still cautious but it is better. I don't expect that my digestion and eating will return to what it was before radiation - but as we know, everyone is different.

    It was the nurse practitioner at my GP's office who finally suggested probiotics more than eight months after finishing radiation. Actually she handed me a sample box of Florastor - and that made a big difference. I think the box says 2 pills a day are recommended, but I started with 1 pill to check my tolerance. Now I take it only 1 pill when needed. I kept trying to treat the diarrhea the way I would with food poisoning or a stomach bug: not eating. But important advice I was given was to make sure I kept eating a variety of healthy food, even if it was just very small meals, since the bowels need a routine reestablished. Also I have big problems if I allow my stomach to empty completely and then try to eat a meal. I can't skip meals anymore and never take immodium. Now I travel with bananas and saltines in my car so that I never go more than three hours without eating something.

    If possible, seek the advice of nutritionist/dietician as there is potential for disordered eating if an oncologist is suggesting weight loss for any reason; my nutritionist was helpful to me by encouraging me to gradually establish a normal diet - something that had never been a problem before radiation. Also helpful is physical therapy with someone who specializes in pelvic issues. Mine helped me understand what was happening physically, and had me track the pattern of eating/not eating and "accidents."

    Wishing you health.

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member

    Hi bav,

    Could I ask which type of Florastor you take? I have been taking Digestive Advantage probiotics for quite a while now without seeing any real benefit for my radiation-related bowel issues. After I saw your comment, I did some further research and I see that there are a number of varieties of Florastor. Therefore, I thought I would check back with you to see which one it is that you've been having success with.

    Many thanks,


  • bav
    bav Member Posts: 15 Member

    Hi MoeKay,

    It's the Florastor Dual Action Probiotic Supplement for adults (blue box). I was told that the contents of probiotics vary so much so what works can be hit or miss depending on what is going on in your own gut. I do hope you find something that helps.

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member

    Thanks very much, bav. I will give Florastor Dual Action a try and post an update on how well it works. When I asked my gastroenterologist which probiotic he would recommend, he didn't give me anything specific. I guess it's really hard to say, given that what's going on in my gut may be different than what's happening in another individual's gut, even if both of us have radiation-related issues.

    Best of health to you and thanks again for the information!