Primary Treatment Focal IRE Nanoknife Procedure completed

swl1956 Member Posts: 121 Member
edited June 10 in Prostate Cancer #1

Well, I finally had it done yesterday at Fox Chase Cancer Center. It was stressful making this decision, 6 months of wavering on what to do first. I'm glad it is done. Anxiety level has lessened from having made the decision and to have gone forward. I am feeling a bit beat up today. My voice is weak I think mostly due to the anesthesia and anti inflammatory meds. Overall though, Not too bad! It amazes me that poking electrodes through the perineal causes very little irritation. I guess it's similar to a biopsy which I hardly could tell anything was done. So far, I think the catheter is the worst part of the recovery. Very difficult to sleep with it. I have an appointment on Monday for removal. 😀 Surgeon told me they inserted 4 electrodes around the tumor before they cycle the high voltage current. Placing electrodes accurately is the challenge. Once in place it only takes a few minutes to electrocute the tumor. I have not yet spoken to the surgeon post op to hear his view on how it all went. I feel lucky to have had the option of Focal therapy. He told me many men come to him requesting focal therapies, but only a smaller percentage are good candidates. I'm completely aware that they are still considered investigational. As more studies are completed with long term data they will likely be doing many more of them. Medium term data is very promising. Similar to how active surveillance came about. Not that long ago many men were unnecessarily radically treated. Anyhow, this forum has been very helpful in my learning process and making the decision that was right for me now. I'm hoping for a one and done treatment, but I'm not naive to my journey possibly becoming more intense going forward. Of course I'm hoping that's not the case. I will now be considered on active surveillance. Routine PSAs, Imaging, and another biopsy at some point. The one biggest take away for me on this site and having read and watched videos (especially Mark Scholz's) that to educate yourself as much as you can, don't rush and make the best decision that works for you.


  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 321 Member

    Thanks for going where few have gone before! Look forward to hearing about a successful recovery.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,467 Member

    Yes, thanks for an insightful report. Glad you pointed out the pros and cons of focal therapies.

    Hope that the procedure will be successful in the long run!

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member

    Thanks for reporting your experience. Hopefully the results will be for total remission.


  • Rob.Ski
    Rob.Ski Member Posts: 164 Member

    You made an educated decision that was right for you which is the best we can do. Keep us informed of your progress. Best of luck with recovery.

  • swl1956
    swl1956 Member Posts: 121 Member

    First Update:

    As I initially stated, IRE procedure went tolerably. Recovery has not! 6 DAYS OF HELL!

    My son drove me Monday morning to have Foley catheter removed. Process seemed to go smoothly. I was able to pee a few minutes after removal. They do a "voiding trial" which I think the young male nurse (nice fella but I don't think was too experienced)? Anyhow, they said I was good to depart. Was feeling good. Hour ride home. Stopped had a bagel and coffee. Well it wasn't too long things went down hill. I felt urge to urinate and could not. In a very short time the pressure became unbearable. Called surgeons office and was told to come back. One hour drive. By the time I got there I was in crisis mode. Ran into the office. They rushed me into the triage area and the same male nurse instructed me how to self intermittent catheter. Not a fun process, but instant relief once you drain the bladder. Doctor said as long as I could continue this for a while prostate swelling should go down and things will improve. They gave me about 16 catheters to go. I was using about 6 the first day. Had to have more overnighted to my house. Everything was a hassle while in total stress out mode. Penis was getting irritated and I sometimes had difficulty getting catheter through the urethra. Felt like I was losing my mind not knowing how long this would continue thinking maybe they screwed up and I would have to exist like this? Was unable to sleep. I think you can imagine. Thursday evening I was finally beginning to pass more urine naturally. Thank the gods! Friday I was able to go all day without catheterizing. Thought I was out of the woods. Friday night and this morning however, I was peeing a bit of blood and experiencing back pain in the kidney area. Called hospital's off hours urological hotline. Doctor agreed with me that I likely have a UTI affecting the right kidney. He wanted me to come back to the hospital for another voiding test and urine test that determines the best antibiotic to prescribe. He said If you are unable to empty the bladder the antibiotics won't work. I really didn't want to make that trip. So he suggested I do the void test myself. Told me after the next time I pee, catheter myself and drain into a measuring cup. If there's anymore than 200cc (7 ounces) I would need to keep catheterizing. The gods were with me again! Only 3.5 ounces. He sent script for antibiotic to my local pharmacy which I just started today. Hopefully things will settle down and I can get back to worrying about the Pca. Lols! Thing is, one of the main reasons I chose Focal therapy was fear of urinary issues. Sorry for graphic details, but I needed to vent and I know many of you here can empathize with the woes dealing with Pca. Hopefully my future updates will be more positive and I really hope non of you guys have to self catheterize especially multiple times. Anyone had experience like this?

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member

    Congratulations for the resolution in advancing with the treatment.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. wishes for a quick recovery to normalcy.

    The bandit was blown out. Let's hope for a remmission psa.

  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 321 Member

    My first catherization was due to beer-accelerated urinary retention, done at the ER at 2:00 AM, so I can appreciate that part of it. Ultimate relief when the catheter went in.

    Hopefully things will settle down for you ASAP. Have you passed any clots? I’d think there would be some as the zapped tissue degrades.

    Thanks for the update, here’s to smoother sailing…

  • swl1956
    swl1956 Member Posts: 121 Member

    Beer Acceleration and Deceleration. 😀

    I've enjoyed too many beers over the years. Luckily however, without any trips to an ER. Must of been a hell of night! Lols! I stopped drinking beer over six months ago shortly after my Pca diagnosis. Have had a few 0 alcohol versions, but just not the same. 😥 Was my only real vice. I do miss it.

    Been peeing a little blood and some small particles but no clots. I don't understand how blood or particles get into the urine stream? My understanding is that kidneys filter the blood and remove waste creating urine which then passes to the bladder. Then the urine exits the bladder through the urethra. The urethra passes through the prostate. So, I'm thinking how would "zapped tissue and blood" get in there from ablating tissue in the prostate? I'm thinking like a plumber.

    Cheers! without the beer. 😒

    P.S. Maybe a 6 pack is needed to flush out my system. Lols!

  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 321 Member

    The prostate is the urethra for that segment of the urine’s trip, is how it was explained to me by my urologist when I asked about that regarding my HoLEP procedure and how they managed to remove large portions of the prostate from the inside.

    Guy is sitting with his wife and drinking a beer and says “ I love you so much.”

    She says, ”Is that you talking or the beer?”

    He says, “ that’s me talking to the beer.”


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,467 Member

    Thanks for the update. Quite a nightmare, but may happier times come your way.

    As a side note, I do like the Athletic Brewing Co non-alcoholic beers.

  • swl1956
    swl1956 Member Posts: 121 Member

    Thank you!

    Yes I've have some Athletic Free Wave IPA in the fridge. There a few decent non alcoholic beers these days. Sierra Nevada has a good IPA and Stella 0 is not bad either. Just don't get that warm fuzzy feeling after two or three. 😒

  • swl1956
    swl1956 Member Posts: 121 Member


    Yeah, I don't get it. You would think it would leak after they cut or ablate sections of it. I'll ask my doc. when I see him next week.