Frequency of Biopsies

Christo4mck Member Posts: 3 *
edited June 7 in Prostate Cancer #1

Two years ago, I had an MRI fusion biopsy which was positive for cancer, gleason of 7 (3+4) which was sent away for DNA testing which showed the cancer was slow growing. My PSA is 6.5. My doctor wants to do another biopsy. My question is: how often should I be getting an MRI fusion biopsy? When I had my first fusion biopsy, I was put under general anesthesia, and I would like to avoid that if I could. Thank you.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member

    I wonder if you have been on Active Surveillance. In some institutions they require biopsies every two years but I don't think that you need another MRI fusion biopsy if the first one was investigated in a reliable laboratory.

    You have been diagnosed with cancer and without treatment, the only purposes of the biopsy is to verify if the number of positive cores has increased, which may signify the end of AS.

    The PSA seems to be high. Can you tell us more about your case.

    Best of lucks


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,148 Member


    You could go for a rectal biopsy or from what I understand some doctors don’t give you a general anesthetic for a peritoneal biopsy. If you have a general MD they might know who does a biopsy under a local anesthetic. Two years to me does not seem too often for another biopsy if you in an AS program.

    Dave 3+4

  • Christo4mck
    Christo4mck Member Posts: 3 *

    I am 72 y/o, and I'm not in an AS program, but I am on active surveillance per my doctor. My PSA reached a high of 8.1 in 3/2022 and then 4 days later dropped to 7.2. It dropped to 6.0 in 3/2023 and then back up to 6.5 in 3/2024. I just had an MRI of the prostate, so it would seem that they could compare the MRI from 2022 and would be able to tell if the cancer is stable or has progressed. I wasn't sure why I need another biopsy.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,148 Member


    The agressiveness of the cancer can change and usually not for the better, thats why you doctor probably wants to do a biopsy.

    Dave 3+4

  • Christo4mck
    Christo4mck Member Posts: 3 *
  • Rob.Ski
    Rob.Ski Member Posts: 164 Member

    I've had both transperenial and rectal biopsies different doctors, awake for both. Not even offered to go under.

    MRI doesnt give gleason score just shows lesions. They cant confirm its even cancer from MRI. Biopsy can identify if it's worse.