After surgery diet

Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member
edited May 23 in Prostate Cancer #1

Everyone knows my story five weeks out of salvage surgery waiting anxiously for the first PSA test and hoping i will be NED. i’ve always been a doubting Thomas, but them saying i had cribform and the pathology report saying cribiform not seen , yes it all looked good except the perinual invasion part that being said i am wondering if if should change my diet to the anti PC diet to be proactive ..just wondering if any NED men after surgery have changed their diets


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,148 Member

    To me it makes sense to eat a good diet before or after a cancer diagnosis. I have changed my diet to more fish and lean meats since my 2014 surgery. A good diet can only help your body heal and resist any type of disease in my humble non medical opinion.

    Dave 3+4

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    i agree what abiut sugar intake cut it out completely

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member

    Well, … … changing diet doesn't hurt if we "carefully" opt for proper and good stuff. In any case, the new diet should have a definite purpose. It should be balanced with the needs, and probably accompanied by a good set of physical exercises aiming fitness.

    For me it has helped in confronting the side effects of treatment and to get the lippids in a better shape.

    The bandit will also "enjoy" a healthy environment. One should care for any interaction that such diet would have with the medications we take to "poison" the cancerous cells.

    I recommend you a visit to a nutritionist to educate on the matter.

    How about the recovery, is it advancing in your favor?



  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    not really 8 weeks out been experiencing rectal pain and totally incontinent during the day but not at night. Started taking too much ibuprofen and Tylenol had some blood in my urine so I stopped that now all of a sudden I have a UTI infection I don’t know how I got it very painful my flow is extremely weak, so I guess first step is to get rid of the infection and then I guess so go to see if I have restriction in the bladder neck. Also going to my proctologist to see if I do have a hemorrhoid or is it just part of the healing process the rectal pain , kind of up and down but on july 1 if im under 0.1 i will be happy

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member

    Yes, I will join you in celebrating that 0.1 remission levels.

    Well, I recall the recovery process from surgery in 2000 taking about two months to feel normalcy. However, I stayed 10 days in the hospital after op and went home without the catheter attached and continent.

    You will get there too.

  • RonB
    RonB Member Posts: 45 Member

    I found a visit with and bloodwork for a naturopath were greatly beneficial in determining the most beneficial foods and, if necessary, supplements.