Colorectal Cancer

eve2503 Member Posts: 4 Member
edited May 2024 in Colorectal Cancer #1

My father was dx with colorectal cancer in 2019. He has gone through chemo, lonsurf in March 2024 which did not work. Was told only had weeks to months to live? Im scared!!


  • PatrickR1950
    PatrickR1950 Member Posts: 3 Member

    This must be so hard for you. Is he on hospice? I worked a while for hospice in the past. They can give both you and your father a lot of support.

  • eve2503
    eve2503 Member Posts: 4 Member

    he is not, they want him to start fruzaqla medication and he still doesn’t want to stop living. He’s always been very independent . My heart aches for him!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I am so sorry to read your post. It is hard to deal with such devastating news.

    I hope you get to spend as much time with your father, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Make it as happy a time as possible. Make memories for both of you.


  • Gabby T
    Gabby T Member Posts: 11 Member

    My original crc diagnosis was November 5th, 2015. But like with so many others cancer cells had traveled and mets were discovered in my lungs in 2019. Just when I was running out of options, last November the FDA approved Fruzaqla and I was started on it in mid December. So far it seems to be working as it is supposed to.

    If your dad's oncologist believes Fruzaqla could help him and he wants to try it, I have to say that the worst side effect for me was high blood pressure which I never had before. Daily monitoring is an absolute must.

  • eve2503
    eve2503 Member Posts: 4 Member

    hello, my father is currently suffering of a lot of fatigue so, the provider does not want to proceed with frusaqla. But part of me thinks he should.