Salvage surgery path report update

Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member
edited April 2024 in Prostate Cancer #1

Things are going as planned I am leaking a bit, but not a big deal. Waited for The doctor to call me to go over the report. He told me the report was good margins were clear cancer was embedded in the prostate. But my curiosity got the better of me and I looked at the report. Was not happy that he only took out one lymph node I don’t know why it didn’t take more and everything looked good until I saw perennial invasion present and we all know that’s not good so I have now messaged him to ask him why he did not tell me about what are your thoughts?


Histologic Type

Acinar adenocarcinoma, conventional (usual) 

Histologic Grade


Grade group 3 (Gleason Score 4 + 3 = 7) 

Minor Tertiary Pattern 5 (less than 5%)


Percentage of Pattern 4

81 - 90% 

Intraductal Carcinoma (IDC)

Not identified 

Cribriform Glands

Not identified 

Treatment Effect

Radiation therapy effect present 


Greatest Dimension of Dominant Nodule (Millimeters)

27 mm

Extraprostatic Extension (EPE)

Not identified 

Urinary Bladder Neck Invasion

Not identified 

Seminal Vesicle Invasion

Not identified 

Lymphatic and / or Vascular Invasion

Not Identified 

Perineural Invasion



Margin Status

All margins negative for invasive carcinoma 


Regional Lymph Node Status

All regional lymph nodes negative for tumor 



  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 379 Member

    Where does it say he only sampled one lymph node?

    Also, the report says no cribiform. I thought you did have cribiform?

    Overall, I think it is a good report! Obviously would prefer no Perineural Invasion, but the negative margins and lymph nodes are great to hear.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member
    edited April 2024 #3

    yes it does say only 1 lymph node thecreport was 6 pages yes I’m confused too. They said I had cribriform but the report doesnt all in all I really like this report.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member

    I I will wait to see what the doctor says about the PNI, but I looked it up and it says about 80% of path report show some sort of perennial invasion is a lot of nerves that run through the inside of the prostrate

  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 379 Member

    That's a pretty big lesion, so it'd be hard not to have a nerve running through there.

    Good to go (knock on wood)!

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member

    thta what the doc said my psa was only 1.9 weird but my prostate was twice the volume 53 mml

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member

    very interesting… i questioned why the pathology report about why they didn’t recognize cribiform. I got thisin response . It depends upon the pathologist really having the whole prostate out and being sliced up to get a better bigger picture than a small tiny biopsy so maybe it wasn’t criminal form after all. This is something I really really really need to find out. This is extremely important. I don’t know how 2 pathologists can, see different things when it comes to something like that but then again I found it strange how it grew so slow if it was cribifrom so maybe I got lucky. As far as the lymph nodes they dont exactly just take out lymph nodes they take out ghe fatty tissues arounf the prostate that happens to be where lymph nodes are so they look at the fat and they see how many lymph nodes are in there. Sometimes there could be six sometimes there could be sometimes there could be two sometimes there could be only one , and there was only one was with mine interesting now i hope for the best …i have done my part and the miracle workers have done theirs …..its up the man upstairs mo more questions no more worrying ….nothing more i can do except change my diet ..which i will …