Update on throat cancer journey.

Shaymus Member Posts: 5 Member

I posted some info about my throat cancer journey and the potential for neuropathy in my hands. I play several instruments and I was very worried. Luck was with me and I had no neuropathy at all. I did use cold therapy every time I had chemo. I don't know if that is what helped but it's how I dealt with it. I did have an increase in my tinnitus though. It went from a 7 to a 9. I only had one week of nausea and fatigue, other than that it was easy except for the loss of my taste buds. That is a torture I wouldn't use on an enemy. It has been six weeks since the end of radiation and seven weeks since the last chemo. I have my voice back and about 90% of my taste is working. It seems like some days you can turn a page, and some days you only get to finish a chapter, but most days had some sort of progress. Be strong, better days are ahead and you are not alone.


  • goffrey
    goffrey Member Posts: 59 Member

    That's awesome! I really feel the cold therapy helped me avoid neuropathy as well!