49 and on active surveillance

BIgmd Member Posts: 5 Member
edited March 29 in Prostate Cancer #1

Ok so last February I went for a physical and had low T. I was recommended to go to a urologist for TRT. While there my urologist was concerned about my 2.09 PSA. He did a DRE and felt a small spot. Subsequent MRI was inconclusive so I had a biopsy in June . The results came back with slow growing Gleason 6 and my doctor recommended active surveillance. I was back yesterday at urologist and my PSA was 2.6. Should I be concerned? I should add I’m being treated for Peyronie’s disease as well and yesterday was first treatment, so I was extremely nervous about that and the psa results . I go back tomorrow for 2nd round of shots for Peyronies so I will talk to doctor tomorrow.

thanks Mike


  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 315 Member

    PSA can bounce around a surprising amount. The key is the trend. Your PSA is still low.

    You are on active surveillance, and doing the right thing!

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,093 Member
    edited March 26 #3


    If it was me I would stay on AS until some more aggressive cancer ie; 3+4, 4+3, 4+4 shows up. Your Urologist will probably want to do other biopsies in your future if you PSA continues to climb. Like centralPA said wait for a more conclusive trend to develop. Could your Peronies shots cause your PSA to rise? Might be a good question for your doctor.

    Dave 3+4

  • BIgmd
    BIgmd Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hey thanks for the responses. So i had the blood done before the Peyronie’s treatment but same day. As you could imagine ,The thought of needles down there completely stressed me out for the last few days so maybe the anxiety had something do with it. In my head I was thinking any rise in PSA even at that small a level would launch me into a new category so I drove myself crazy with those thoughts. I should add that when I got back my MRI results last year I called my ex brother in law who is a radiologist that’s specialized in Prostate imaging. I brought the disc to his home and he looked at it with me and didn’t see anything alarming. But I already had it in my head to get the biopsy so I did .

  • BIgmd
    BIgmd Member Posts: 5 Member

    he told me last year he would like another biopsy at the end of this year .

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,093 Member


    Sounds like your on a good treatment path, glad your ex brother in law was able to help. That’s got to give you some peace of mind. Chill out till late Dec, enjoy life………..

    Dave 3+4

  • BIgmd
    BIgmd Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks guys . I don’t feel so bad about the slight rise in my psa . I’m healthy otherwise. Workout daily with a lot of running. I try to eat good . I’m looking into supplements to help my prostate . I go back later this afternoon for more injections for my Peyronies. Awesome! On the bright side I’m goin to Florida next month for my gf bday. I’ll report ask later today.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,426 Member

    Be wary of supplements to help your prostate...

  • BIgmd
    BIgmd Member Posts: 5 Member

    old salt , can you explain. I just ordered green tea supplement and pumpkin seed oil supplement. Should I stay away?

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,426 Member

    Some supplements will affect PSA which can lead to misleading conclusions. I don't know about the two that you mentioned.