Artificial sphincter

Schmaed Member Posts: 1 *
edited March 2024 in Prostate Cancer #1

Hi. I had a prostatectomy in 2020. Earlier this year I had the Proact balloons for incontinence put in and it was a disaster. It took 4 months of poor Healthcare and pain before I got them removed. I'm currently going through 6 pads a day and use a clamp at times. Now I'm looking at getting the artificial sphincter. I apparently have a lot of radiation damage and a very mad bladder. Any thoughts on the likelihood of success with radiation damage and bladder damage?




  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 486 Member

    In all probability, the bladder inflammation will subside over time. I see no reason why you would not be able to get an AUS 800 artificial sphincter. You need to discuss this with a Urological Surgeon to get his/her opinion for your specific case.

  • jc5549
    jc5549 Member Posts: 71 Member

    A lot of times the definition of "success," is a slippery term. Consider what you would feel is successful and discuss those outcomes with your surgeon. If success means zero pads leakage it will be unlikely in the face of prior radiation ( I am assuming you have had a prostatectomy as well) and Proact intervention. If you would like to cut your pad use in half or be able do more activity with less leakage than what you are experiencing now, you may have a good chance at success.

    It seems an AUS is a very reasonable next intervention, if you are healthy and know how successful you would like the procedure to be you may have more peace with the decision to pull the trigger or not.


  • On_A_Journey
    On_A_Journey Member Posts: 146 Member

    Hello @Schmaed , just to throw another alternative into the ring, seven months ago I was fitted with an ATOMS sling rather than the AUS 800. I am now dry.

    You can read about it here: Incontinence fix – ATOMS, AUS or AdVance? — Cancer Survivors Network