Ureter Stent Kidney To Bladder -anyone else?

sunnydayzie Member Posts: 4 Member

So my story began last year about this time. I was diagnosed with uterine/endometrial cancer which was in my cervix so at first they weren't sure if it was cervical or what. I had external beam radiation and six rounds of low dose carbo. I switched to Sloan Kettering and it was the best decision I could have made. I had six round of taxol and carbo. Unfortunately they have spotted a liver tumor and new lymph node so I'm on Lenvima along with immunotherapy. It hasn't been that bad.

What has been bad are the kidney stents. I can't seem to get one that doesn't hurt bad. I've had three exchanges since they played the original in July. It's absolutely handicapping in that any time I even try to walk my dog or get any exercise I'm paying for it later with bad flank and bladder pain! It's really a bummer. Even mowing on my riding mower aggravates it.

I had it exchanged in December and after two weeks, no pain. Yay! However now it's kicked up again. They said there is blood in the urine but not enough to be concerned about, x ray yesterday showed it's still in the right place and kidney looks good. But this is really a bummer! It's not constant which I guess I should be thankful for...but it is enough that it is really a big drag on top of dealing with the disease itself. Does anyone else with uterine/endo have one of these and have any tips on trying to live a normal life with it? I love walking and I really love exercising and I'd be doing a lot more of it if I didnt have the stent!


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member
    edited March 2024 #2

    So sorry to hear about that stent pain. Yes, there are other women here who have had them. It has been discussed before. I think it is not uncommon. Have you talked to your doctor about pain relief? I would try every way there is to reduce the pain. I don't understand the cause of the pain but sometimes ureters spasm so muscle relaxers would help. There are also patches with Lidocaine or aspirin you can stick on painful areas. I am an RN and I used to advise people to try different things. You can't take too much Tylenol, but Tylenol and Ibuprofen can be used together. Some people find acupuncture helpful too. And of course stronger pain medication can be used as a last resort. There are doctors who specialize in pain relief too so maybe a consult with one of them would help. Hot or cold packs can be used too, but ask your doctor about which one you would benefit from.

  • sunnydayzie
    sunnydayzie Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks! For me, Ibuprophen to head it off helps a lot! I'm trying to be very sparing with pain pills though. I know ibuprophen can cause other issues. Tylenol doesn't seem to help. And you're right, heat and ice packs are helpful. Ice showers have actually be very very helpful! Its just frustrating that it will go from totally fine to "UGH!!" if I get outside and exercise and walk too much! Doctors office probably could call in something stronger but I haven't really pushed it with them. Thanks for your advice - muscle relaxers make sense. When it kicks up it starts spasms through my back and around to the front .

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    sunnydayzie, I hate to hear about all the pain you are having. I recall only a few women having stents and I wonder if some of the other boards or groups that regularly have them inserted might provided some better guidance??? Just a thought. I am sure you are searching out better solutions.

    I will add thank you for your note on how you sought out a different institution to help. Not knowing, or wanting to know, what the first hospital was, Sloan Kettering is an excellent choice, especially if it is close/convenient.

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    Be cautious with the ibuprofen. I have stage 3 kidney disease which may have been caused by it. I took only 400 mg daily for my arthritis but for a 2 or 3 years. I have been a cancer survivor for 12 years but now my big worry is my kidneys

    We have a long time member who wrote a lot about her stents. She doesn’t come by often any more but I’ll see if I can find her posts.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    I'm sorry kidney function disease happened ConnieSW. I have been taking 400mg Ibuprofen daily for 5 years and my kidney function is normal. 400 is considered a safe dose. And this article is interesting too. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41416-020-0906-7. Everybody is different.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    I don't take ibuprofen for this reason. I see Forherself posted a link to an article, which I'll read, but I don't really like to take things anyways.