Benign biopsy. Confirm MDX test results: 21%< =G6; 15%>=G7

frank1956 Member Posts: 19 Member
edited March 2024 in Prostate Cancer #1

I had a MRI fusion transperineal biopsy. 26 cores benign. My urologist ordered a Confirm MDX test. Results show:

Likelihood of prostate cancer on repeat biopsy: 36%

21% likelihood of detecting Gleason score < = 6 cancer

15% likelihood of detecting Gleason score >=7 cancer

It is recommending for a second biopsy. I guess I will need to contact UCLA Radiology dept to schedule a second biopsy. They will need my Urologist' referral. I have not spoken with him yet. I will need to find out what he says.

Any suggestions?


  • Oldernow
    Oldernow Member Posts: 55 Member

    I had to look that one up -

    ConfirmMDX is a tissue-based gene assay that again helps stratify patients who are considering a repeat biopsy. Full Definition into those who may have a higher risk of recurrence. ConfirmMDX is not yet FDA approved but is in use as a supplement to traditional diagnostic such as a biopsy.

    I didn't have that test suggested after I had my MRI fusion trans-perineal biopsy in 2022. Maybe it is wasn't available then. My biopsy actually found cancer so that may be another reason it wasn't suggested.

    If the ConfirmMDX test is accurate it sounds like you should have another biopsy in the future - not sure what the time-frame would be.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,276 Member


    Twenty six cores all benign using the MRI data sounds great. Why do you want another biopsy? What was your PSA before the biopsy?

    Dave 3+4

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,276 Member

  • frank1956
    frank1956 Member Posts: 19 Member

    My last PSA was from Nov, 2024. It is 5.3. 3TMRI shows 2 lesions (9mm and 5mm). Urine test ExoDx is 18.77 (normal is (0-15.6). Something is definitely going on in my prostate. If there is cancer, I want to catch it before it goes out of control.

    After biopsy, I will wait for 6 weeks, then do another PSA just to see the latest number. That will be around 3/25/24.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,599 Member

    Sounds like a good plan!