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papajohn1000 Member Posts: 12 Member
edited February 21 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Two weeks ago, I was diagnosed with colon cancer and had a tumor the size of a prune removed and a bag added It hasn't been easy with the pain and watching my bag My daughter-in-law changes it All this is new to me as far as colon cancer I am a stage 3 prostrate cancer survivor (2 years on March 9) and this caught myself and family by suprise

I am going to win this battle I lost my wife in 2017 to stage 4 brain cancer so cancer has hit my self and family hard


  • jen8567
    jen8567 Member Posts: 3 *

    I am so sorry you are having a tough time. I hope you have a wonderful support system to help you through all of this. I was just diagnosed with colon cancer this week after a routine colonoscopy. I have always been healthy and haven’t had any symptoms. I’ve recently lost my husband to complications from a stroke and stage 4 kidney disease. I find peace in staying close to God. Praying friends and family members are appreciated!

  • papajohn1000
    papajohn1000 Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank you for your kind words I am so sorry about your husband I lost my wife in 2017 with stage 4 brain cancer Cancer has hit my family hard I go to the cancer doctor on the 14th to find out what the next steps are

    My faith has been tested but it is still there God bless you

  • jen8567
    jen8567 Member Posts: 3 *

    I will pray for your visit on the 14th. My surgical consultation is on March 6th. I have aCT scan on the 7 th . I’m glad you still have your faith! Hold on to that and he will carry us through !

  • papajohn1000
    papajohn1000 Member Posts: 12 Member

    I have already had the surugery and the bag No cancer was found in the lymphnodes and the tumor had worked outside of my colon I NEVER GIVE UP

  • jen8567
    jen8567 Member Posts: 3 *

    Thank you