Endometrial biopsy

momomom Member Posts: 4 Member
edited February 2024 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

I am just curious if anyone's endometrial biopsy missed cancer. If so, how did you find out about the cancer?


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member
    edited February 2024 #2

    My biopsy. found the cancer, and it was the only cancer in my uterus, or anywhere. From studies I have read it is possible to miss a cancer at biopsy, but highly unlikely. Did you have a biopsy?

  • momomom
    momomom Member Posts: 4 Member

    Yes I did. Luckily it came back not cancer. That's all I know and am being referred to a gynaecologist. But I am glad that it is highly unlikely it can be missed.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    momomom, did your general practioner do your biopsy?

  • Dana1978
    Dana1978 Member Posts: 2 *

    My biopsy complex hyperplasia without atypia. So, a D&C was done. That showed complex atypical hyperplasia. So, I went ahead with the hysterectomy. I was 35 and already had three kids. The final pathology showed my cancer. It had not entered the myometrium or went near the tubes or cervix, so I was good to go with no treatment besides the surgery.

  • momomom
    momomom Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you for the reply. So because of the hyperplasia they did the D&C? I'm not sure what exactly my biopsy came back as. I am waiting on a referral to a gynaecologist. My doctor just told me not cancer.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member
    edited February 2024 #8

    My gynecologist told me I had pre cancer. So I was referred to a gynecological oncologist. They are surgeons who also treat cancer. The pathologists at the University looked at my biopsies and changed the diagnosis to serous endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma. I asked why the diagnosis changed and the doctor said my initial diagnosis was done by "community pathologists".

    Apparently there are also gynecological pathologists. But after surgery there was no further cancer found. It is more complicated than we realize. I am glad your family doctor has referred to to a gynecologist. There are some pre cancer mutations that might require a more in depth look.

  • Dana1978
    Dana1978 Member Posts: 2 *

    Yes. A biopsy only gets that tiny spot. D&C is obviously going to get more of a sample. At that time doc still felt like there was maybe just a polyp causing the issues.