Small Renal Lesion - Very Nervous

Am1974 Member Posts: 8 Member
edited March 2024 in Kidney Cancer #1

49M. Had abdominal issues (likely unrelated) in October 2023. Abdominal/Pelvic CT w&w/o contrast showed 11mm (1.1cm) indeterminate renal lesion on right kidney. Follow up with Renal Ultrasound in December 2023 revealed no renal lesion (though US report stated it was limited study due to bowel gas). Going for MRI tomorrow. When I went to urologist (who ordered the MRI), he said in looking at the CT, it’s a flip of a coin as to what it could be. He was pretty clear in telling me he could not tell what it is. However, later on, when I reviewed his visit note where he orders the MRI, it states “highly concerning for RCC” though also in his visit note states complex hemorrhagic cyst vs. RCC. When I called him about it, he advised he needed to use that wording to get the MRI approved. I have been paralyzed with fear and anxiety since reading that visit note. I understand most if not all that are here have gone through this or worse but I’m just seeking anyone’s thoughts, advice, comments, or anything that may benefit me. I also have made the mistake of Googling every possible thing on kidney cancer imaginable and that certainly has not helped. I really appreciate any responses. God bless you all.


  • key2025
    key2025 Member Posts: 13 Member

    It’s always hard waiting for scan results, just hang in there. It can take a little while and multiple scans for them to figure out what it is. Managing scan related anxiety is always hard for me too, but it gets easier.

  • Am1974
    Am1974 Member Posts: 8 Member

    key2025, thank you so much for your response. It really means a lot to me when others who may have faced similar situations respond. Just been very nervous lately and I know that’s par for the course. Thank you so much for responding. You don’t know how much it means to me.

  • rcole
    rcole Member Posts: 15 Member

    i kind of want though the same situation as you but they knew i had cancer RCC. I ended up having a kidney removed still have cancer it's been two years now . I get CT scans every 3 months i just learned how not to worry about the CT scan in till i get the results . i hope this helped you i wish you luck and if you an more question's dont be afraid to ask

  • Am1974
    Am1974 Member Posts: 8 Member

    rcole, thank you for responding. I really appreciate it. Thanks also for offering to answer any further questions as I may take you up on that. I hope you are doing well.

  • Am1974
    Am1974 Member Posts: 8 Member

    UPDATE: MRI states that the lesion appears to be a benign cyst, and no solid enhancing masses are identified on the kidney. What do you all think about having another radiologist review it? I am going for a follow up today to see my urologist.

  • key2025
    key2025 Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited February 2024 #7

    Your urologist acts as a second opinion on the radiologist. I would seek a second opinion on the urologist if anything.

    Likely they will recommend survelliance given its small size, but location would play a factor. Cysts are fairly common and nothing to be concerned about. If you are concerned push to have follow-up scans (survelliance), your urologist will know how to phrase things to get it covered.

    Solid tumors don’t normally “progress” from cysts to solid masses, so don’t worry about that. Cystic subtypes of renal cancer are on the more benign end of the spectrum, and typically grow slower than solid subtypes.

  • Am1974
    Am1974 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Key, thanks for your response. My urologist recommended 1 year follow up ultrasound as he agreed with the findings of the reading radiologist. The hypochondriac in me wants to follow up earlier than 1 year to monitor it.

  • John523
    John523 Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2024 #9

    I'm in a similar situation. I was constipated so the GI doc ordered a pelvic/abdomen CT scan w & w/o contrast. Everything was normal except a 1.3cm possible lesion on my right kidney. I had an ultrasound 6 weeks later and they couldn't find anything wrong with my kidneys. My doctor wants me to do an MRI but I'm kind of hesitant because I have metal in my body from metalworking/welding. At this point I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm extremely nervous about putting my body into a giant magnet when I already have neurological symptoms from metal inhalation.

  • Am1974
    Am1974 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hello John: from all the research I’ve done, and it was a ton, 1.3 cm is very small, regardless of what it is. But you will need to check with your doctor to see what your options are if you are unable to get an MRI. I would not wait. I’m sure there is some other imaging study available to you so you can determine what it is. Try to be calm and not think the worst (which is what I did) because it very well could be something benign (which mine turned out to be). Let us know and hang in there.

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    I had a 1.7cm kidney lesion uncovered in late 2013 and was set up for active surveillance. Over the course of the surveillance, I alternated between CT’s and ultrasounds. Never had an MRI as part of the monitoring.

  • monnocco
    monnocco Member Posts: 14 Member

    After reading all these comments I can say that an MRI can be done just for additional information. A second opinion from another Urologist would not hurt at all. 1.1 cm is really not bad at all and I'm sure there's no threat.

    STOP GOOGLING! :) I say that with love, of course. I have been pretty consistent with no googling and so far I've had a tumor removed and a second one (and the last one) will get removed pretty soon.

    Everything is going to be OK!