Salvage surgery it is

Steve1961 Member Posts: 669 Member
edited February 2024 in Prostate Cancer #1

Everybody knows my story been going on for about eight months I’m really really tired of the scrap PSA scan then another scan and MRI then a biopsy then meet with a radiologist meet with a cryotherapy doctor meet with two different surgeons radiations out of the question that guy screwed me. I asked a point blank about crib form. Could it be radiation resistant? He said no way and I’m convinced and some doctors are that it is. Done with radiation. Cryotherapy 50% chance great doctor best in the country but you know what I’m not messing around. Everybody agrees the best chance I got 70% chance surgery even though I know I’m gonna probably be totally incontinent I hope not, but both of them seem to stress the incontinence part quite a bit even though they said it’s only 20%. I think it’s a lot more but anyway wish me luck Decided to go with the hometown UCSF expert he’s 74 years old and I was very leery because ipof his age but his coordinator said he has not missed a beat and he still doing 3 to 4 a week and he did tell me he’s done quite a few salvage and he’s not far from me in his career he’s done Almost 7000 of them believe it or not ..wish me luck scared crapless lol ..but im doing it
