Port - take it out or not?



  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 385 Member

    Good morning, Ladies!

    Ribbons, I think this is a great thread to bring back to the forefront! I, too, HATED that reminder of my misery in my face every day! I just read through and learned a lot….and information that would have been helpful recently! I was concerned about the clot issue, but never had the problem. Geeeeeze….

    I just had my port removed about a month ago. Like most everyone, I got the “leave it in for 2 years” speech. So, 2 years later I started complaining about it bothering me. It was hurting and I thought it appeared to be uglier than ever! The 3 little knobs more pronounced! Ugh! Yes, I was much thinner, but it felt like it was more than just that. Now, I was 2 1/2 years post first cancer when I got my lovely, new lung cancer (not metastatic GYN, but new primary!). In the last 6 months no fewer than 1/2 dozen doctors and 2 dozen nurses saw and/or accessed my port. I complained regularly. No one wanted to talk about it. ONC on my team said to leave it in. Finally, surgeon’s nurse says, “We need to remove your port.”

    On my procedure day, the doctor in charge didn’t get any closer than 8ft. from me, looked at my chest, and said, “That NEEDS to come out.” He explained that it hurt because it was a foreign object trying to work its way out of my body. He said it was about to break through my skin and “in a couple of months you’d have a real problem.” I love it when someone proves that something I knew “was not just my imagination!”

    Now, in addition to the little incision scar, I have a nice little lump of scar tissue under it. Again, ugh! Bottom line, I say if you hate it, get rid of the thing! If you have cancer again, get a new one! Just my $.02!

    Love and Prayers to All,


  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 150 Member

    Yes! And I’m sorry you had to have that trouble.

  • Fridays Child
    Fridays Child Member Posts: 277 Member

    Last year (5 years after I got it) mine started bothering me. I mentioned it when I got it flushed, and when I asked the oncologist about it he said we could get it out. The scar from removal is not as nice as the insertion (original surgeon had retired), and it bothers me some. There's a lump on the end closest to my arm and sometimes it's just sore. I didn't really mind going to get it flushed and it was working right, but I'm glad to have it out.