Emergency couples therapist for cancer patients?

KK1234 Member Posts: 4 Member
edited January 2024 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Hi all, stage 3/35f and going through fertility treatment asap. I would desperately like to talk with a couples therapist, my partner is struggling with the idea of freezing embryos. Is this resource available anywhere!?! We have to decide very soon and it’s so overwhelming on top of all the other cancer stuff.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    It is not something that I have heard of, and I'm not sure which way to point you.

    Hopefully someone will come along, who will be able to help you.

    Wishing you luck!


  • KK1234
    KK1234 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you. Honestly, a couples therapist should be automatically provided if receiving emergency fertility treatments in order to start chemo. This is a lot to process and make decisions about so quickly. It’s kind of crazy that isn’t already the standard

  • Erica2016
    Erica2016 Member Posts: 47 Member

    Hi kk1234 , I thought I would chime in . I was diagnosed at 30 , married with no children . I did have an emergency egg extraction of 8 eggs which years later resulted in 1 healthy embryo . We decided on not creating embryos at the time since everything was so rushed . If you are on the fence on creating embryos please do as many egg extractions as financially and time possible . I know some clinics have a cancer patient discount . Looking back I wish I had extracted more as cancer has made me infertile . I don’t know about counseling for couples but reach out to your practitioner they should have information on all types of therapy . I wish you well .

  • KK1234
    KK1234 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Erica, thank you so much for this response. It’s so rushed and emotionally exhausting on top of everything else I’m dealing with. I appreciate hearing your experience, it helps me feel less alone. All this sucks. My insurance only covers egg preservation and probably only one round. Hoping I have time for 2 extractions