How long after HBOT do you have to get your teeth extracted.

michaeldmurphy1953 Member Posts: 6 Member
edited December 2023 in Head and Neck Cancer #1


I have been dealing with head and neck cancer for over 20 years. I have had it come back three time. I first had a simple partial glossectomy...I tested negative. Then 2 years later it came back and I had to have a semi glossectomy, radiation, and chemo. Then 15 years later it came back and I had proton radiation therapy, chemo, but no surgery. Now I am not sure if it is back or not, but my top teeth have had it and I need them out. The oral surgeons I consulted with both said I had to get Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy before they would extract them.

I have set up the HBOT --- 20 before and 10 after extractions.

I was wondering how much time after you get the first round of HBOT do you have to complete the extractions and get the 2nd round of HBOT before you have to start the HBOT over?

Thank you for these forums, they are very helpful, and a big thank you to all that contribute to them.



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Hello Murph, and welcome to the CSN H&N discussion forum.

    I too am a 3 time cancer-afflicted H&N person.

    Due to radiation of course my oral surgeon wanted me to get HBOT for an extraction.

    I received 30 HBOT treatments. Then got the tooth extracted. Then did my 10 follow-up treatments.

    I could only do 6 of my follow-up treatments because it started affecting my vision and I ended up having double vision for 2 weeks and wore an eye patch.

    So there are known side effects with HBOT or for that matter any other kind of therapy or drug.

    So Murph you want to get your first set of 20 treatments done and then have your teeth extracted then following extraction get your 10 follow-up treatments.

    Check with your oral surgeon and double-check to see if they feel that the 20-10 is enough to ensure avoiding problems.

    My oral surgeon told me the next time I need an extraction he will be giving me pentoxifylline and tocopherol combined therapy.

    This is something that I believe they have recently started using also.

    I will post a couple of links with info about it below and they call it to treat osteoradionecrosis (ORN) but in this case it is actually being used to pre-treat you to avoid osteoradionecrosis (ORN).

    Wishing You The Best

    Take Care, God Bless


    Our Motto here is NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

  • michaeldmurphy1953
    michaeldmurphy1953 Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hi Russ,

    Thank you for your reply. People that have to deal with any type of cancer have a tough row to hoe. But I believe head and neck cancer is one of the toughest simply because most everything that controls your body is determined in the head and neck. Some other cancers take your life quickly, but head and neck cancers make you suffer from all kinds of bodily malfunctions.

    But you just deal with it....and pray for being cancer free...sometimes over and over again.

    During your extraction and HBOT experience, do you have any idea how soon after the initial round of HBOT do you have to get the extractions completed before you have to get re-treated with HBOT? I want to get the HBOT and the unit is available right now, so I do not want to wait in line. But I want to get through the holidays and a month or so after before I get the extractions, as I will be toothless on the top jaw.

    Anyway, the best to you....I feel for doubt.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Murph, I would say check with the oral surgeon who is going to do the extractions. I think once you get your 20 HBOT it would not be too long after that you would get your teeth pulled and then not long after the teeth are pulled do your follow-up treatments.

    If I remember correctly I did the HBOT, got my tooth pulled, and went back shortly for my follow-up treatments, it was in close succession, not spread out, and not with big time gaps.

    You may have to change your idea on when you want them done or just schedule when you can get it done according to your schedule.

    Again I would check with your oral surgeon and see if you have any time to fool with or is this an urgent situation that they want you to get done as soon as possible.

    Hope that answers your question properly.

    How HBOT Works

    The healing power of Oxygen through HBOT involves a number of repeated sessions to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. With time, these sessions strengthen bones through the increase of blood circulation and flow of plasma, which carries red and white blood cells to fight infections.

    Sessions in either a pressurized multi-person or single-person chamber last about 90 minutes. For the first ten minutes, the chamber is gradually pressurized to a level greater than sea level, and for the final ten minutes the pressure is gradually reversed. When 100% medical-grade Oxygen is administered, combined with the pressure of the chamber, the body is able to absorb three times as much Oxygen as breathing normal air.

    HBOT increases the body’s ability to fight infections, expediting the patient’s recovery time. Increased oxygenation fights to prevent necrosis – further cell damage – of the bones after a tooth extraction or implant placement, and reverses the effects of chronic swelling, redness, and numbness of gums.

    The recommended number of sessions HBOT to supplement the treatment of these diseases vary per patient and the severity of the condition. Treatments can be anywhere from one to three or between 20 and 40 sessions.

    Take Care, God Bless


  • LeeB3
    LeeB3 Member Posts: 10 Member

    I did HBOT immediately have radiation to prevent radioosterionecroisis. I believe it helped heal my throat faster from surgery and radiation. After 20 treatment with greater than 2 ATM your body should start replacing stem cells that were killed by chemo. It was out of pocket about $140 per treatment. I believe prevention is better than curing. I had no side effects from HBOT while starting with 1.3 atm and increasing gradually to 2.3 atm.

    Oxygen is compressed so small that it is carried by all fluid not just red blood cells. It speeds all healing except those caused by sports injuries according to the FDA. Strange how MMA and NFL teams use HBOT after injuries cause by their respective sport.

  • michaeldmurphy1953
    michaeldmurphy1953 Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2024 #6

    Thank you all for your information.

    I honestly wish they used the funds contributed to cancer for research for a cure....and not simply research to hand over to Big Pharma for treatment revenue!!!

    It is obvious, after being in and around the cancer environment for well over 20 years, I firmly believe they will never find a cure for cancer....there is simply too much money to be made treating it...and that money goes to back door deals to keep the honey train coming in from treatments!

    Sad, but to me, very true!!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    edited January 2024 #7

    Michael, hello again. Sorry, you have been dealing with cancer for over 20 years. I can commiserate with you somewhat. I have been dealing with cancer and or after-effects of treatment for about 11 years. It is not enjoyable at all, the cancer and treatment that is, but when it is all said and done what you have gone through has put you to the test and you come out the other end stronger in spirit, strength, faith, inner peace, and a renewed closeness or strengthening with God, and some finding God for the first time since they are now facing the possibility of death and the question of eternity. and the realization that you can do and get through more than you imagined and I am sure you have faced extreme difficulties but are still here to talk about it so you have triumphed.

    [Edited by CSN Support Team]

    I don't think there is a hidden cure for cancer because by now there would be too many personal doctor's families would have gotten the hidden cure and it would have leaked out by now.

    Be thankful for the blessings we have of advanced treatment of cancer today and enjoy each day of God's Blessings for you, for me, and for all of us and cancer has a way of waking us up and realizing each day is precious. After treatment, we are thankful for every day not being spent getting scans or tests or undergoing some kind of treatment and enjoying the fact that we are through the worst for now, and if trouble comes again we are now stronger and more knowledgeable to face it and defeat it. And we can help others. We can't change a lot of the wrong things in the world but we can personally do a lot of little good things locally in our life and help others as we can for one thing. You would be surprised how one little thing can brighten someone's day, a card, phone call, Not a text, a person-to-person call that makes a difference in what we do when we make it more personal and let people know we care.

    Count Your Blessings...

    Wishing You The Best

    Take Care, God Bless


  • michaeldmurphy1953
    michaeldmurphy1953 Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you, Russ.

    I am stronger for all that I have faced, and realize billions of people are suffering way more than I. I guess I am getting more skeptical and have felt the cynic in me rearing it's ugly head.

    But, I get up and put on a smile (most of the time), and carry on.

    Not being able to speak understandably in person or on the phone chips away at that smile before the end of the day. Having to always text or email or use a text to speech app, wears on me. And I have found that people I know shy away from me because they can't understand me and don't want to hurt my feelings, and others simply think I am on drugs or drunk. So, it is disheartening.

    But I will be fine...thank God my dog Dude understands everything I say to him.

    Not looking for sympathy, just stating the facts, Russ.

    Again, thank you for reaching out. If I am interested, I will follow your links to the pages you posted.

  • michaeldmurphy1953
    michaeldmurphy1953 Member Posts: 6 Member

    Yes, Russ, my oral surgeon has me on those two drugs.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Michael, I know you are not looking for sympathy.

    You were just stating the facts and I understand. Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression with my answer. But I am more skeptical in this ever-fast-changing world. But to ask questions and get knowledge will keep us safer.

    Take Care, God Bless
