Gleason 8 PSA 5



  • hunter49
    hunter49 Member Posts: 251 Member

    Hey I finished 8 weeks of radiation over 2 weeks ago getting energy back no bowel or urination issues to speak of just some constipation. You should look into Orgovyx if you do hormone therapy on it over 2 months minimal side effects and it is a pill daily. Best part is when you stop your T levels come back fast. Good luck and Happy New Years

  • terriandralph
    terriandralph Member Posts: 40 Member

    Many thanks for that encouraging news hunter49! Please keep me updated with how you're doing - glad things seem to going well for you.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,599 Member

    Did your urologist tell you what he/she is planning concerning the 'active' lymph node? Taking it out during surgery or irradiate it later on?

    Does he/she indicate whether cancer has spread to other lymph nodes (currently not detectable by scans)?

  • terriandralph
    terriandralph Member Posts: 40 Member

    I will be meeting with the oncologist on January 3rd and with my urologist on January 5th. When I last saw my urologist a week or two ago, he seemed to indicate surgery might be an option (perhaps after I meet with the oncologist and my urologist I'll have a better idea?) and I figured he meant he would be able to remove the active lymph node during surgery (it is a lymph node in the pelvic area). But I don't know that for sure.

    The scans only indicated that outside the prostate, it has only gotten to that one lymph node.

  • terriandralph
    terriandralph Member Posts: 40 Member

    How were your radiation treatments during the entire process, hunter49? Worse towards the end, or pretty much the same throughout?

  • hunter49
    hunter49 Member Posts: 251 Member

    Happy New Years. They were the same for most part. After 3rd week started to feel a little tired about 3 or 4 in afternoon now no issue 3 weeks since ending. Have hormone treatment until April. Radiation hit the bed and nodes even thought they looked clean sort of a prophylactic measure. Good luck at doctors let me know how it goes.

  • terriandralph
    terriandralph Member Posts: 40 Member


    After meeting with the oncologist and my urologist this coming week (and a second opinion next week), it is possible that surgery may still be an option. Do you have any regrets about having surgery? I'm really having a difficult time trying to make a decision about surgery - who knows, perhaps after my second opinion all will be in agreement that surgery is off the table and it will be a moot point.