SCC of the nasal passage

rmartinez Member Posts: 2 Member
edited December 2023 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I had SCC of the septum. Most of the tumor was removed July 2022 and the remaining 5% was killed off by radiation treatment. It was a high dose radiation treatment (5 sessions over 2 weeks). Its been a year but the inside of my nose has not healed. In fact I fear it may have come back. Going to my Doctor Friday and possibly getting biopsies again. I pray its gone and its just taking a long time to heal. It does cause pain and discomfort but ive learned to cope. Anybody been thru this I would appreciate some words.....thnks


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Hello, Martinez, and welcome to the CSN H&N discussion forum.

    Well, since it has been a year I would think it should have healed by now.

    Once you finished your treatments were you having regular follow-ups?

    Usually post cancer treatment your ENT would normally see you in about 3 months and then 3 months later after that. Then if everything looked like it was doing well they may see you again in 6 months. You are usually watched pretty closely at least during your first year post-cancer with possibly a CT Scan with contrast thrown in for good measure and at some point do a follow-up PET Scan.

    The reason I say this is I am wondering did you have post-treatment follow-ups and if so was your ENT aware of the situation you described and have you been talking to him about it? Did he see it and was aware of it or did he not notice it and if that's the case did you bring it to his attention?

    It could be an infection in the area or just an area that can't seem to get healed up for some reason. A slow healing area for some reason or healing but reoccurring nonhealing I guess I will call it.

    The doctor will be able to sort it all out on Friday when he sees you. In the meantime try not to worry about it because it could be nothing really involving an easy resolution such as a round of antibiotics.

    Be sure to have follow-ups in the future and if something you have doesn't seem to be healing or resolving in a timely manner and is causing you pain and discomfort don't learn to cope with it, get to the doctors, and get it checked out. Most things that are taken care of sooner are usually better, remember the problem addressed small doesn't get bigger.

    I always pray on situations and trust in God also, especially in a waiting period.

    I pray that this works out for you as something minor and easily resolved.

    Our Motto-NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

    Wishing You The Best

    Take Care, God Bless


  • rmartinez
    rmartinez Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi Russ

    Thnks for responding.......I am trying to remain cool but I dont have a good feeling......I agree I need to wait until tomorrow to find out whats next.......I have been going back every 3 mths and just finished steroids and antibiotic and still no improvement........I too am praying and hoping for some good news.......thnks again for your kind words....

  • Joe Rock
    Joe Rock Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hello Martinez,

    I am a 6 yr survivor of SSC of the Sinus/Brain Base. After a couple of years of double vision, I have experienced middle ear plugging for the last 2.5 yrs. Continuous infections, vertigo, burst drums. Unfortunately, balloon inflation surgery did little to solve the issue. My sinus seems to be a constant source of discharge to the middle ear. For the last 3 months I have had sodium and low BP issues. Recent blood work has revealed that I have Addison,s Disease.

    Ask for a hormone scan!
