Anyone else get triggered like me?

Tpeezy4sheezy Member Posts: 2 Member

I’ve noticed lately that I’m always seeing on tv shows or movies where they say so and so died of cancer. When they do this I always get a flood of anxiety all over my body like an adrenaline rush. It also happens on social media. I will see someone post about how their relative or this famous actor died of cancer and it always triggers me. It just seems like You just rarely see anything about someone surviving cancer on tv or social media. I just wanted to know if anyone else has these weird feelings or if it’s just me and my crazy mind, in which it very well could be because ,Btw I do have horrible anxiety, panic attacks, and non hodkins lymphoma. It’s a wonderful tri fecta let me tell ya lol.


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 920 Member

    Some level of anxiety is normal. However when it is debilitating it needs to be dealt with. There are professionals who can help you with this. Accept your mortality and live for the day. Stay off social media and avoid people who talk that way. All my best to you.

  • motorheadsurvivor
    motorheadsurvivor Member Posts: 2 Member

    hello I am a non-Hodgkins lymphoma cancer survivor. and yes, I agree far too many stories of how cancer has taken too many of us. my story is not one of those. My anxiety level during my cancer was something I’ve never experienced eventually put on so many meds I didn’t even know where I was. Which in my case, when you’re given a 40% mortality rate, not knowing where you are sounds great. it wasn’t until I went to Sloan Memorial cancer center in New York City where I was treated in miraculously given a 95% mortality rate after their extensive an expert treatment. i’ve now been cancer free since April. in my anxiety level has dropped substantially. Seek support from those who love you in those around you will give you support ,love ,you’re not alone in this keep fighting! keep fighting !keep fighting !there is only one option that is to survive. I know it can get bad at times your body feels like it’s rotting away inside you. You’ve got to dig down deep. You’re facing the barrel of a loaded gun. There is a small possibility you may die during this experience. How are you going to go out or you gonna be the person that died with dignity or the person that died miserable dragging those around him down or are you going to be the survivor who survived with dignity and gratitude, and live to see another day without affecting those around them negatively even though they were dealt a terrible hand with this disease ,you still must have that self integrity that’s self-worth and determination to survive and not bring down those around you ,show them you’re strong show them your integrity and show them no matter how hard this gets it will not break you ! You got this brother!

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 920 Member
    edited December 2023 #4

  • jamesarthur81
    jamesarthur81 Member Posts: 15 Member

    Hello I’m a three time NHL survivor and anxiety is worse than cancer itself the mind is a powerful thing I must say .Seems like I worse than I actually was .This time around I did Essiac Tea for two months on a watch and wait program and decided to just take the tea without chemo by two months my cancer was 80 % gone .Then this Dec i got my scan done and thinking the worse my cancer was completely gone .Ive been able to sleep and rest the mind.Good luck in your journey

  • motorheadsurvivor
    motorheadsurvivor Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi Jamesarthur so happy to hear you’re doing well!I have a question if you wouldn’t mind answering, with my Nhl I got chemo for about eight months, once the cancer was completely untraceable in every part of my body including bone marrow, I was given the option based on my health to get a complete bone marrow/ stem cell transplant to increase the odds of the cancer never returning. My question is did you get a stem cell / bone marrow transplant ? And if so how soon after did cancer return? I’ve had 2 pet scans since my transplant and the cancer is still gone. Hopefully forever! I hope the same for you. That procedure (transplant)really takes you to deaths door or the gates of hell. I went ,give it a good knock. Turned around and went home to see my family were I plan on staying a while. Much love to you. Stay strong stay healthy.

  • jamesarthur81
    jamesarthur81 Member Posts: 15 Member

    Hello I got NHL in 2008 that got take out of abdominal intestines and got a second opinion from ucla and decided not to do chemo but only surgery to remove the cancer . Stayed clean for 5 years in 2013 it returned but in my stomach which turned out to be a mass which was to much to measure so classified as a mass.At this time I meet a holistic healer and turned me on to Essiac which I took with chemotherapy within two months my cancer was 60% ish gone after 8 months of chemo and the tea it was completely gone .But my immune system was shattered and got viral meningitis for 4 months which was worse than chemo and cancer it self. Once again I survived the nightmare .Stayed clean for another 10 years but it returned in January 2023 and decided to do chemo as this time as my cancer was jamming down the lymph node train onwards to neck armpits chest abdomen and pelvis .i was being walked down to the infusion center and looked a the nurse and told her I’m going to cancel taking chemo and told my oncologist that I’m not going to do it and went on watch and wait program to see if just taking the tea would help ….im cancer free for the moment ….ive done 2 peta scans with two ct scans with contrast this year

  • jamesarthur81
    jamesarthur81 Member Posts: 15 Member

    From now on I’m going to Essiac as preventative regimen once a year for two months beginning of each year as its seems to work for me which like life there’s no guarantee stay strong

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 920 Member

    I have squandered my resistance 

    For a pocketful of mumbles 

    Such are promises 

    All lies and jest 

    Still a man hears what he wants to hear 

    And disregards the rest

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 920 Member
    edited January 2 #11