Lung Biopsy



  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    I had a lung bioipsy back in 2018. I had a full neck disection and radiation back 2009 and 2010 and the cancer decided to do an encore in the bottom of my right lung. The biopsy did came back positive and the worst part of it was listening to the doctor tell me what could go wrong during the biopsy. My brothers girlfriend workes for the hospital and she came to see me before the procedure and told me they have to give you all the what ifs. The biopsy was actually a breeze, it did get boring sitting around afterwrds waiting to get xrays to make sure nothing went wroing with the lung. I think they made me wait two hours. Five strong doses of radiation and I am cancer free again. There is a good chance that your husbands is my favorite bingo number (B9) so lets just bank on that.


  • steven59
    steven59 Member Posts: 102 Member

    Congrats on successfully beating down the cancers return, I hope lung radiation is less uncomfortable than neck rad. I also found the wait after the biopsy tedious. Mine came back negative for cancer bit biopsy showed nodules, possibly asbestos(probably).

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,454 Member

    Kazsmiles, I don't have the measurements close at hand of the size of my lung nodule all I can tell you is they are watching it during my yearly CT Scans of the chest and H&N area and so far they have not seen an increase in size thank God.

    What does your care team say about it? Check with them and see how large they would let it get before treatment is used. How often is he getting scans maybe he needs them more often to monitor this. Nothing to fool with stay on top of it.

    My sister also had one and they watched it for several years with no change but then it showed on her next scan that it was increasing in size. They used the Cyberknife at our local cancer center Ann Barshinger Cancer Center and I think she had 5 treatments to get rid of it. The Cyberknife focuses radiation more finely for less collateral damage or if you have Proton Therapy in your area they may use that also which is even better, no matter what get with his care team and find out particulars on this to see what the normal protocol is. Also, keep in mind unless it is biopsied they do not know for sure it is cancer or if it is benign or not or the type of cancer. You may want to push for a biopsy but if it is growing I would seek some action on it.

    Wishing You the Best

    Take care, God Bless
