Survivors Who Have Been Abandoned By Spouses

JenGerRus Member Posts: 1 Member

How have you dealt? Mine left 4/5 weeks post surgery, before all the real treatments happened. I am not coping and I don’t know where to look for help or even what kind of help to ask for to cope. So many suggestions are medications from my doctors, but this isn’t a chemical imbalance. It is grief.

I have Stsge 1 IDC ++-, have had lumpectomy, reduction, and reconstruction, five weeks of radiation, no chemo. Plus five years of Lupron and Arimidex.


  • hhgifford33
    hhgifford33 Member Posts: 2 *

    my life partner 1st husband did the same and it was hard on her. she has s lot of faith and was able to keep working and moved back into her parents home. I believe God will send another soul your way. she healed and we found each other going on9 years now. but sadly she now has stage 4 met colon and given 3 months and no treatments can help. seek comfort in God, friends and support groups.

  • LifeInBloom100
    LifeInBloom100 Member Posts: 55 Member

    I just want to send you a sincere virtual hug. I can imagine how hard it is to compartmentalize that kind of loss of support along with your uphill climb to health here. I'm so very, very sorry you're dealing with grief along with this. From my own experience (dissimilar sequence of events but also recently finding myself having to contend with BC without the person closest for years), it's been somehow cathartic to accept the comfort and support others who care for you offer, as vulnerable as you may feel. Your medical care team may be able to refer a social worker, and you may find a decent therapist through your insurance. I know it's a lot to deal with, alone. If you'd feel comfortable inviting a friend you feel emotionally safe with who can take the time to spend a few days with you, it might be a soothing respite. I pray you find some ways to calm your mind at night - deep breaths, maybe a headset with some white noise and even a good cry as needed. I pray to GOD for your healing from all of this.