My wife

Panky2018 Member Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2024 in Peritoneal Cancer #1

My wife was recently diagnosed with peritoneal cancer. They were suspect of her ovaries, but found her stomach wall had thickened and had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done. A big mass in her stomach was found. Biopsies showed a late stage tumor in her stomach that has spread to her lymph nodes and 2 different linings in her abdomen. Her symptoms started showing up in July. She finished her first dose of chemo for the stomach tumor last night. We are 52 years old, married for 29 years, and still madly in love. I am by her side all day, with a huge support group to rely on. Hoping with a lot of help.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,537 Member

    hello Panky2018,

    I hate to hear what your wife is going through, she is lucky to have the love of her life in this journey. None of us make it without that support from family and friends.

    If they have not done a genetic assay of her cancer, ask for it. There are new drugs that help people respond to treatment that really are more receptive depending on biomarkers. You may find you are now going to have to study up on clinical information regarding her treatment and need to ask questions. Don't worry about what anyone thinks, you have the right to ask about the life of your loved one.

  • DZacc
    DZacc Member Posts: 1 *

    Is it Mesothelioma? I have Plural mesothelioma but have known a few people with peritoneal meso.

  • beachbum117
    beachbum117 Member Posts: 1 Member

    hey, wanted to see how your wife was doing. My mom had Primary Peritoneal Cancer. Just wanted to send out thoughts your way.

  • Panky2018
    Panky2018 Member Posts: 2 Member

    My wife passed on April 22. She was 53. It was not primary peritoneal cancer. She had a stage 4 malignant mass in her stomach that spread. I will pray for your mom and your family.