I was just diagnosed today, I think I've had symptoms for a long time, anyone else?

pelagia Member Posts: 3 *
edited November 2023 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

my diagnosis is

Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, FIGO 1.

and my doctor says the outlook is good because it's not something that's been going on for years and years

but now that I think about it, I have had symptoms for years and years, I have had difficulty in urination and I guess that's a symptom, now I am super worried


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,521 Member

    pelagia, I can't tell if you have had surgery or not, which is usually the treatment for endometrioid cancer and how they can fully diagnose the stage. It sounds like you found it early, so while I understand why you might be concerned about one symptom, and I don't know what caused you to get checked out, again, try to take a breath and please let us know the next step in the journey.

  • pelagia
    pelagia Member Posts: 3 *

    thank you! I was just diagnosed this morning after a biopsy, they are going to schedule a surgery in a few weeks after I have a consultation

    I went in for an ultra sound after some post menopausal bleeding and no tumors were found but my endometrial lining was 5mm so they wanted to do an biopsy and it came as cancer, my dr was surprised she told me she was sure it would be benign

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,521 Member

    ahhhh, thank you. That tells us a lot more info and it all makes sense. Your post menopausal bleeding was the bigger symptom and good for your doctor to immediately react to that.

    So now that you know you will have surgery, ask to work with a gynecologic oncologist. They have additional training on dealing with gyn cancers.

    I added to one of the other recent chats on what to know (what has been shared by a lot of warriors) what to consider before and after surgery. I would suggest looking at the "Scared mom" thread.

  • BetsyM
    BetsyM Member Posts: 1 Member

    I was in the same boat - went in because I'd had two occasions of waking up with a lot of bleeding and after the biopsy was told it was caught early (even though I said I'd had daily spotting all through covid). Turned out to be stage 3c instead of 1. Doc was a bit surprised but deep down I wasn't.