New from Canada

I have just been diagnosed with Endometrial cancer after a biopsy. My first meeting with my oncologist surgeon is scheduled for the 16th of November at the Princess Margaret Cancer Hospital in Toronto. What do I expect in this first meeting?


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,020 Member

    Welcome anurdhashaw. Sorry to hear you have to deal with this, but we are here to help. I can say my first visit first thing was scheduling the hysterectomy. Almost all include uterus, tubes and ovaries. A radical hysterectomy salpingectomy oophorectomy includes the cuff of the vagina too.

    If you have endometrioid type cells, sometimes they don't order scans to check for spread of cells. It you have high grade cells they will order scans. Biopsies will be done right during surgery . One thing you can ask about is lymph node mapping. It is a way to examine lymph nodes without removing more than the sentinel nodes. This lessens your risk of lymphedema after surgery. I had this and it is very reliable. Your surgeon will give you information about the procedure. They cannot tell you the stage until after surgery so it is hard at this time to wait. I found it really hard to face the unknown. There is a very good post above about how to get ready for surgery and the recovery period. I found my recovery very doable. I had the punch wounds from the laparoscope and then my uterus was too big to remove safely so I had an abdominal incision as well. I signed a consent form that pretty much said the surgeon could remove whatever she felt necessary to give me the best chance. Keep busy while waiting for your results. And hope for the best.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member

    anurahashaw, as Sue said, I am sorry you have had to find us but glad you did as there is a lot of support and information on this site.

    I would also ask about getting a genetic testing on your cancer. There is more known about what cancers do/don't respond to the different treatments.

  • anuradhashaw
    anuradhashaw Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you Sue! This level of information was what I was looking for and so I am very grateful. I will update after my first visit at the cancer hospital on the 16th and let you know what the feedback from the surgeon is!


  • anuradhashaw
    anuradhashaw Member Posts: 11 Member

    Good to know. I will ask my surgeon about this too. It is great to find this group and your responses are so comforting and reassuring!!!

    Thank you!!
