Head and neck cancer-food

My father who is 70 years old has been suffering from head and neck cancer , we have done the laser ablation for right buccal mucossa and cancer has metasized to lymph nodes as well. right now it been 2 weeks since laser abalation, he doesn't feel like eating anything which and felling nausea everytime he sees the food, let me know what could be done in this situation .


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Hello, Mike, and welcome to the CSN H&N discussion board.

    Sorry, your father is going through this.

    I would imagine he could still be sore from the ablation. Have you discussed with him why he won't eat? Is he receiving some other treatment that is making him nauseous? There are many antinausea meds available ask your care team. He may need to get a feeding tube for a while till he gets through this.

    Could you please give us some more details on your father's case? When was it found what bothered him? What is the extent of the cancer? Is he getting operated on for the lymph nodes or some other treatment? More details would be helpful. What is the prognosis did your care team say they were working on curing him and eradicating the cancer he has? It is a little hard to give much input on what you have provided but I did the best I can.

    NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

    Take care, God Bless


  • mike_muksi
    mike_muksi Member Posts: 2 *

    Thanks Russ , it was 1 month back when the cancer was diagnosed and it has already metasized to multiple lymph nodes and the size was 20mm . My father was feeling fine with no symptoms of cancer , only he was feeling less appetite and there was some swelling on the right cheek. as per last MRI scan size it was around 6CM to 4CM on the right buccal mucossa . for the procedure there were multiple options available with complete removal of jaw and restructuring, 2 weeks back we went ahead with laser ablation of right cheek and they also took the upper and lower right tooth. after procedure there was heavy swelling on the cheek which has been reduced now . but recently he started vomiting's and there has been blood coming from the right cheek which our doctor said its normal , but he has not been feeling hungry only food in take has been liquid from past 1 week. Doctor has recommended 4 cycles chemo which i am worried about , as his body immunity is not stronger to take the chemo as of now .

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Mike, it is tough to pause now but you may want to get a second opinion to help you feel comfortable you are proceeding in the right direction. However, if you have complete trust in your care team you could go ahead with the chemo one treatment at a time and see how it goes.

    This whole thing is obviously stressful and upsetting and it's all where we intake food so maybe this is why he is throwing up recently but if he thinks he can eat if they get the nausea settled down get some meds from your care team for that.

    As far as his body immunity they should monitor him closely with blood tests. Try and concentrate on one thing at a time. It seems that is what your care team is doing also doing the cheeks with cancer and hopefully get that under control then go for the lymph nodes. Your dad sounds like a fairly complex case. Trust in God, pray a lot.

    If I misinterpreted anything or am off base let me know. If I can help more let me know also.

    Wishing You The Best

    Take Care, God Bless
