Kidney Lesion

myabunny Member Posts: 3 Member

So I'm not actually diagnosed with kidney cancer. I'm 21, fixing to be 22 in October and a little over a month ago I was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Done the ultrasounds and fna's. All that fun stuff. About three days after my first biopsy I had my first ER visit for ear pain/pressure that was causing vertigo. I had three different doctors look at me before that was taken care of. Then I went in again for being sick with what I thought was COVID. My last ER visit prompted a CT scan of the abdomen and a call to my PCP for abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, and a consistent period for over 3 weeks. My PCP order a pelvic and abdominal ultrasound and I just found out today that I have a kidney lesion. I don't know much else about kidney lesions but I do know that PTC can spread to the kidney and right now my ENT is ordering another biopsy on both my right and left side lymphnodes. My ENT believes that my PTC has spread and having a kidney lesion on top of all of this has really concerned me. I'm also a +BRAF V600E mutation. I feel like I don't understand what is going on and I just want to know if anyone can tell me what they think and what their story is.


  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    If your kidney lesion is, in fact, cancer, it would most likely still be thyroid cancer that has spread, not actual kidney cancer. It might be a good idea to also post in the thyroid cancer group with your question. I think most people here had primary kidney cancer, not a spread of a different type. Good luck.