A positive message of hope

mardigras Member Posts: 215 Member
edited June 2023 in Esophageal Cancer #1

Hello all,

My name is Marci and I come here ocassionally to tell you that there can be light at the end of the tunnel. I am a caregiver to my husband, who was diagnosed with esophageal cancer aged 66. He had adenocarcinoma at the junction to his stomach. He had the normal chemo and it did not touch his tumour which was quite large. He was given the Ivor Lewis operation in Addenbrooks Hospital Cambridge where they also removed the top of his stomach and an enormous amount of lymph nodes. He did not have any following chemo as the first lot had not worked.

It was not a walk in the park, but he survived the operation and two weeks later walked out of the hospital under his own stream.

Fast forward 12 years and he is well and does all the things that he used to do.

He is a bit in the thin side and rarely has dumping syndrome, unless he overeats or has a lot of sugary things. He has a sweet tooth.

My prayers for all of you who receive this diagnosis, but keep on battling.




  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member

    Hi Marci,

    Thank you for posting your message of hope. So many people come here full of fear after reading the dire statistics related to esophageal cancer on the internet. It is very important for them to hear from people who have the same diagnosis that they have and have moved beyond their cancer with treatment and perseverance.

    In addition, there have been so many advances in treatment protocols and surgical approaches since Rob and I were treated. The prognosis for people currently diagnosed is certainly promising.

    Best Regards,


  • mardigras
    mardigras Member Posts: 215 Member

    Hello Paul,

    Thank you for your message.

    it was really good to hear from you. I am so pleased that you are still doing well.

    Yes things certainly do move on a pace and hopefully many more people who are diagnosed with this horrible disease will benefit from improvements in treatment options.

    Take good care of yourself.

    Kindest regards,


  • chrkirby
    chrkirby Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hello Marci, this is my first time on this website, and my first post. I’m so happy that your message was the first one I read. I have the same diagnosis as your husband but mine is stage IV as it has metastasized into my liver and nearby lymph nodes. My prognosis is : 50% chance to live one year and 6-7% chance to live five years. Sounds ominous, however, I’m going to aim for being part of the 6-7%. I’m a 68 years old, straight, white female, married 50 years to the same wonderful man, and have two grown daughters. I haven’t cried once which is the main reason for seeking support; to find out if this is normal in some patients. I attribute it to the fact that I’m not afraid of dying, although this may change, I’m just not sure. Anyway, I’m part of the ‘cancer crowd’ now so I’m all eyes and ears for what’s to come. Thanks, Chris

  • mardigras
    mardigras Member Posts: 215 Member

    Hello Chris, I am so sorry that you find yourself here, but a very warm welcome to you. You do not say where you are in the world, but had Rob received the diagnosis that you have, I would be fighting for a second opinion. Things have moved on at such a pace that there must be some other options for you. Is your oncologist a gastric specialist? Now is the time to seek one out and their are worldwide lists. Rob and I were in the UK and we chose to opt for Addenbrooks Cancer Centre in Cambridge. On reflection, I was so pleased that we did. His first diagnosis was not very positive at all, but Addenbrooks did a sterling job. If I can be of any help at all, you can send me a private message if you like. As to the tears Chris, we are all very different. Neither Rob nor I have cried at any time and I was diagnosed six years ago with a rare blood cancer, chronic I’m afraid. So we continue the fight .I think we are just to feisty. I send you prayers and a huge hug and wish you all the luck in the world. We are all rooting for you. You will make many friends here Chris, Marci X

  • sharicopeland
    sharicopeland Member Posts: 3 Member

    Marci… Thank you for sharing. Your husband has done very well. My husband has EXACT same diagnosis & stage. He had surgery one year ago tomorrow. He is finishing one year of Immunotherapy (Opdivo). He gets this therapy once every 2 weeks and his last is on 10-7-23. Scans have been coming back good. The surgeon had to take only 10% of his stomach because during surgery the margins quickly looked good. I am so happy for you and your husband. Your story gives me SO much hope for my husband’s outcome. Thanks & good luck to the both of you.