Planning return to work after BMT

MaggieG6 Member Posts: 8 Member
edited September 2023 in Leukemia #1

I had ALL relapsed and received BMT 2022. Currently, I am under LTD benefit from my company. I have diabetes insipidus, which means I am going bathroom more frequent . Now I am planning to return to work, my position is a service agent, have to stay online all the time once the customer called in. what i am thinking about now is change my position from customer facing to more document processing focus position, i am not sure if this is applicable. do i must to take the original position when i return back to work? are there any suggestions for my return to work. what should i discuss with my HR.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Sorry to hear of this. HR can range from tolerable to miserable human beings. It is the nature of their work. I would imagine that, technically, they do not have to offer you a different position, since you were hired for your current job. Sadly, many organizations will demand that you return to full duty or face termination. I would begin a dialog with your manager, your union rep (if you have one) and possibly with HR. If your boss can help you, then go through her if possible, as HR is trained to fire employees and replace them.That happened to me after 31 years on the job. You might look up a good labor attorney, as a letter from them might shake HR up if they turn sour on you. Hoping for the best!

  • MaggieG6
    MaggieG6 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you for your suggestion. Today I find out that company who managed my LTD benefits offers a return to work coaching program. I am going to reach out them to see if I can get some information/supports.

  • MaggieG6
    MaggieG6 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I was diagnosed right after graduating from college, I didn’t have much experience in dealing with HR. It’s a challenge for me.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    What a challenge! But you are a survivor and others can learn much from you - if they desire to. Back in the 80s, there was a sea change in corporations and governmental entities. They went from Personnel Departments (where you were a person) and morphed into Human Resources, where you are now a 'resource.' The treatent of employees took a sharp downward turn at his point, and the focus now seems to be on targeting "problem" employees for replacement. I had 31 years in and was forced out the door - which is the only favor they ever did for me. It sounds like you will fare much better. Here is hoping that you do!

  • MaggieG6
    MaggieG6 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you for your kindly words. Sorry of hearing that they forced you out. Is it because of the health issues?

  • MaggieG6
    MaggieG6 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I have discussed with HR, and they are willing to provide some assistance for my return. My doctor has also written a letter explaining that my health condition requires some support. However, the doctor's letter explicitly mentions that I have ALL, and I'm a bit concerned that if the company knows I am a cancer patient, they might find an excuse to terminate my employment in the future. Should I contact the doctor to request another letter that does not specify the illness?

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    I was still in treatment, and had taken one year off on sick-leave donated by fellow employees. It is legal for them to do this - they ordered me back to full duty. I had enough time in that I took retirement - the best and only favor they ever did for me.