Double Mastectomy

rcjohnson530 Member Posts: 4 Member

I received a BC diagnosis June 23RD..ALREADY here we are August 17 (coming up) and Im having them removed. The goal is to be cancer free and healthy...I would be lying if I didnt say I felt some kind of way. I dont really have the words.


  • LovesPrimes
    LovesPrimes Member Posts: 99 Member

    @rcjohnson530 I'm so sorry that you are facing this. There are a lot of amazing people here to support you. Your time frame is very similar to what mine was. (Diagnosed 3/22/2023 and double mastectomy with tissue expanders 50 days later 5/11/2023.) That period of time was heartbreaking. I was deluged with information, had to make so many decisions, time felt slow and fast at the same time. I'm now cancer free 3 months. However, I will be fighting cancer and its consequences the rest of my life.