Any diagnosed with endometrial cancer and then breast cancer?

Denise66 Member Posts: 81 Member

I as dx with endometrial cx 5 years ago. In May I was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer. Has anyone been diagnosed with these 2? If so, how far apart?

Thank you


  • cksd
    cksd Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hi Denise,

    I’m going through the opposite— breast cancer 5 years ago and now I’m being biopsied for endometrial carcinoma. It hasn’t been confirmed, but sounds likely based on all the findings.

    Please let me know if you have any questions about my experience with BC. I was stage 1 and had a bilateral mastectomy— they obtained clear margins so I didn’t need any radiation or chemo.

    I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!


  • Denise66
    Denise66 Member Posts: 81 Member

    Hi CK,

    I’m very sorry you are going through this. I pray your biopsy is benign. When will you receive the results? What prompted your biopsy?

    Thank you for sharing your BC journey. Were you place an an aromatose inhibitor? Tamoxifen? Dx with a routine mammogram? How did you manage the stress and anxiety?

    I was dx in May with triple positive BC. Having chemo first then surgery. MRI showed the tumor to be 1.4 cm at start of treatment. Were you dx with a yearly mammogram?

    I should have had my yearly mammogram in May 2021! Gosh, I could kick myself. I was so focused on my endo follow ups every 3 months, I did not go for my yearly mammo in 2021!

    Do you have a good support system? My boyfriend has been great along with some friends and my 1 sister. My other sister and brother have not really reached out to me . They were great when I was dx with endo. Now dx with breast cx, they seem to want to stay away which is pretty hurtful.

    I pray your biopsy is totally normal. If it is not, I have a lot of knowledge when endo cx. Honestly, if I were you I would request your doctor order a CA125 and HE4 blood testing now!

    I’m glad to help you any way I can. When will your results be in?


  • cksd
    cksd Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hi Denise,

    Thank you for all the kind words and wishes. I’m sorry to hear what you are going through! My PC Dr said I could have the results as early as Friday, if not early the week after. I was having abdominal pain, went to the urgent care, and then referred to ER. They did a CT scan and vaginal ultrasound, and the ultrasound caught it.

    I totally understand feeling frustrated in retrospect. I thought that I was perimenopausal so the spotting/bleeding didn’t alarm me. Now I’m wishing that I had checked with my Dr sooner.

    I’ve been taking Tamoxifen for 5 years, no aromatose inhibitor. I had concerns about some lumpiness in my left breast so they did a mammogram and ultrasound. The tumor was found in my right breast and precancerous cells in the left, thus the bilateral mastectomy. My BC tumor was about the same size— 1.3cm. My friends, family, and a lot of prayers are what pulled me through all the stress, waiting, and not knowing.

    Thankfully I do have a great support system. I’m sorry to hear about your siblings’ reactions. So many people don’t know what to do or how to support us that they just end up avoiding… Let them know that you need them! I’ll keep you posted on my biopsy results.

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way, Denise!


  • cksd
    cksd Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hi Denise,

    How are you doing? I’ve been thinking about you. I hope that your treatment is going well. My biopsy was inconclusive due to insufficient tissue sampling, but I’m having an MRI tomorrow.

    I’d love to hear how you are doing!
