Newly Diagnosed with MZL Lymphoma BUT aggressive (55 years old)

Faith_Lind Member Posts: 4 Member


Starting chemo on Monday. pola r chp will be my treatment plan for six cycles. Looking for advice, encouragement, and wonderful connections.

BTW, I'm scared. And I'm scared of relapsing since it's slow-growing lymphoma but aggressive. It seems I will be living with lymphoma.


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    Sorry you have no responses yet. This board is a mere shadow of its former self. It might help if you give a few more details. For example there are 3 general varieties of MZL . Which one do you have ? Also define “pola r chp”. That is a name most are not familiar with. Good luck on Monday!

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    Good luck today! You can do this!

  • SaulCohenCancerCoach
    SaulCohenCancerCoach Member Posts: 3 Member

    I am assuming yo are having R-CHOP. I've been through that twice. What would yo like to talk about? Where do you think you are in need of support?

  • Faith_Lind
    Faith_Lind Member Posts: 4 Member


    I disappeared because I was/am having a difficult time with my diagnosis. It's hard to articulate BUT every day I have a different feeling. I have my (3rd) chemo treatment on Monday, Sept 18. Believe it or not, I look forward to the chemo dates because I feel I'm getting closer to my final treatment. And I believe I am HEALED. As of now I am scheduled for (6) treatments so I'm almost half done.

    Struggles have been with my Faith. The side effects (diarrhea), hair loss, upset stomach and depression have drained me. I have a wonderful support system and they are holding me together. I've also connected with a therapist for Tapping and a naturopathic doctor who has given me supplements (approved by my doctor) to help with side effects. I've been taking the supplements for 3 weeks so I'll see if they really are helping after this treatment.

    I know none of our journeys are the same BUT I remind myself it could be so much worse. I want the world to heal. Please feel free to share anything that worked and didn't work in your cancer journey.

    Thank you.

  • Faith_Lind
    Faith_Lind Member Posts: 4 Member

    I'm scared about a reoccurrence of lymphoma. I keep reading it will most likely return. The idea of having an oncologist for the rest of my life has me so scared. I'm scared about covid in NYC rising. I'm doing everything to avoid C19 but I got a cancer diagnosis with no history of cancer in my family. I don't know how I'm going to live my life. I'm scared because I've had (2) treatments but what if it's not working. I'm all in my head.

  • SaulCohenCancerCoach
    SaulCohenCancerCoach Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2023 #8

    It can reoccur, mine did. I got a bone marrow transplant after my second time of having lymphoma. I am a cancer coach. I help people tame their anxiety, and fear as well as being there as a guide through this journey. I’ve helped a number of people through this process and the skills they learn here with me they take with them for their lives. Fear, anxiety, are natural reactions how you cope with them it’s up to you, your choice. Through a series of guided meditations, visualization, and other techniques, you can quickly calm your self. The best state of mind to be in while you’re going through this is a calm and relaxed state. [Edited by CSN Support Team]

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    Two brief comments 1). Aggressive lymphoma is more responsive to therapy than indolent forms 2). Your pola r chp was unknown to me. Getting rid of vincristine is a big deal! You will do well!