Nephrectomy GFR Question

fallonboy Member Posts: 46 Member
edited December 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1

I am 3 weeks post op nephrectomy. My pre op GFR was 50.

Now my GFR is 27.

Question: what problems if any will I have with this low GFR

Thank you


  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    The numbers usually jump around in the months after surgery. Drinking plenty of liquids is the main thing to help get your numbers up. But remember, you're aiming for a lower range than before since you're operating with just one kidney. When mine is 50-60, my urologist, nephrologist, and PCP all tell me I have great numbers.

  • fallonboy
    fallonboy Member Posts: 46 Member

    My PCP just put me on a low potassium diet. GRF still 27. Potassium 5.9.

    Before my neph my GFR was 50.

    All input appreciated.

    Thank you and take care

  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 243 Member

    Hey fallon, I have only one partial kidney since 2016. I know my EGFR has dropped below 40 in the past, and as Alice said, you will see fluctuation in the beginning as things settle down. So six years later my reading is 52 and my doc and I are both happy about that. No issues to date. I do watch sodium, potassium, and other things your doc has probably mentioned. Keep following what they say and keep asking questions. Healing will come. Take care ~

  • fallonboy
    fallonboy Member Posts: 46 Member

    My GRF is now 25. Is this too low for chemo therapy if I need it?