Shoot i am back after 5 years



  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    You are right about that

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    Well i have had a relapse ..there is a small lesion on one of my ribs .. Doctor is concerned but not that concerned because apparently prostrate cancer does not act like that and what they saw was vague so the first step will be to get another CT scan just of my ribs and then I will make an appointment with the radiologist and then, with the top urologist and go over treatment options I don’t mean to be rude, but son of a ****

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    well i had a consultation with th dr about the scan ..i have a reoccurrence damnit..also i slight lesion on 1 rib she said its small not very clear ..i have another ct scan set up for july 10 then follow up with radiologist and urologist to go over treatmentoptions..shoot..sure hope i dont end up on thise hormone treatments …from what i you can only do radiation one time they can only treat the prostrate so many times.. Then I guess the last resort would be hormone treatments oh son of a ****. Oh well I guess I’ll wait to see what they have to say. Hopefully the lesion on the ribs is Nothing that’ll be a plus.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    Thought I would throw this out lol.anyone talk to their friends about psa levels ..i do i have a co worker who is 66 and his psa level s at 0.8 that right 0.8 I him how lucky he is but I wonder is he lucky is there a lot of men at that age who’s PSA is that low

  • eonore
    eonore Member Posts: 183 Member


    Assuming the rib is not a problem or amenable to spot radiation, cryotherapy is a great option for salvage treatment.


  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    Sure hope so

  • On_A_Journey
    On_A_Journey Member Posts: 126 Member

    I think it's really hit and miss. We all know that prostate cancer runs in families; my father and grandfather both had it too. My brother is 64 and his PSA is only in the 1's! But he's bald and I've got a full head of hair with long flowing locks lol, despite my recurrence I would still rather be me! 😆

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    Just wondering if anyone knows of someone that has had salvage prostatectomy..they say it can be done though a bit more complicated with almost guaranteed side effects ..but i guess one msy have to tske their chances if thats an option

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    Thanks for everybody’s replies I have a tendency to obsess and I am going to try hard not to. I know I have a reoccurrence I’m having a scan done hopefully the little lesion on the ribs is Nothing then I will set appointments to find out my treatment options. once I complete them and I know what my options are I will report back to get peoples opinions. Thanks again my god bless you all

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    i have only 1 big question maybe someone can chime in..this is a longshot..since i still have a prostate ..wont they need a biopsy again..i mean i know its a longshot is it possibe the tumer could be benign or of a lesser grade or am i grasping do they just assume its cancer since it was before

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    Well at least I got some good news the chest scan came back negative so it seems like hopefully the cancer is just still in the prostrate well now I wait to meet with doctors and see what my options are stressful times I have a feeling he might say that I am a candidate for salvage surgery which makes me nervous because I know it’s not done a lot and it would be very hard to choose the right surgeon but if that’s an option I think I have to do it this time I want it out and gone any thoughts would be appreciated

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,467 Member

    I can tell that you are aware that the removal of an irradiated prostate is quite challenging and that there are but a few surgeons that have experience in that area.

    If you haven't already done so, you should include other therapies into treatment options. Cryotherapy comes to mind, but there may be other alternatives. Also consider clinical trials; perhaps there is one that is suitable for your situation.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    I think the hardest part about all this is waiting for these doctors. I found out on June 29. I had a reoccurrence and now I’m a month later after two or three scans of finally meeting with the radiologist and now I have to wait another nine days to meet with surgeon I have to admit anxieties through the roof and you can’t help but look on the Internet one minute you have a hope the next minute you feel doomed this whole thing just really sucks .

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,467 Member

    What is your (current) PSA doubling time? If it is low, you can relax to some extent while waiting for the various specialists.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    Radiologist yesterday told me that it’s not growing fast but I think it is it doubled in 2 years 6/2021 0.91 Yesterday 1.92 but in the last year I noticed it has been going up 0.1 a month

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member
    edited August 2023 #37

    Now they want another biopsy REALLY why ..WHY my God do you know it’s a tumor do you know it’s cancer is probably going to be the same damn grade as the first one. They say oh no it could be Glisan six this time. It’s a totally different tumor. They’re just trying to humor me I know better and apparently it’s in a very hard place it’s in the front of the prostrate, which they say is very odd and it’s apparently very very small. I don’t know so now I can either do breakytherapy again which I’m not thrilled about because it didn’t work the first time or I can do HIFU with the hell is that or I could do cryotherapy or possibly surgery? Who in the hell is going to help me decide what to do this is so screwed I just, wish I could go back five years ago and had the goddamn thing taken out .. on August 9 I will meet with the real Mr. know it all the 72-year-old professor and head of the prostrate cancer department or urological cancer department at UCSF. He’s been there for 38 years. We’ll see what he has to say.

  • eonore
    eonore Member Posts: 183 Member

    Hey Steve,

    I’m sorry you’re going through this. HIfu is an ultrasound treatment that destroys prostate cancer cells. It is a focal therapy, ie it targets the tumor, not the whole gland. The benefits of this approach is it may minimize side effects, the downside is it may miss other undetectable tumors. The jury is still out on HIfu.

    I have a close friend who recurred twelve years after brachytherapy. He was treated with cryotherapy and is very pleased with the outcome. I know you just want the prostate out, but I would be very wary of potential side effects of this difficult surgery and would seriously consider other options.

    The best things you have going for you is that you are right on top of this, it seems that the cancer is localized, and you are at one of the best institutions available. At some point you are going to have to trust your doctors’ judgment and ride the wave.


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,467 Member
    edited August 2023 #39


    The doctors are trying to help you, step by step. Getting to know that cancerous lesion by doing a biopsy is part of the process. Whether that small cancer is aggressive or not is an important consideration for treatment. Based on your PSA doubling time, it appears (!) to grow slowly, but one can't be sure.

    As you wrote yourself, you are in good hands at UCSF. Just be patient; I know it's hard for you, but it is in your best interest.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    Thanks for the encouragement I’m gonna take a deep breath and get a hold of myself because everybody else is right I can’t go back and I got to stop kicking myself and see what this professor has to say thanks again

  • OrbinM
    OrbinM Member Posts: 5 Member

    I now have the gold markers in place

    getting that spacer barrier ASO between rectum and prostate in 2 weeks for added protection

    then two weeks after that another mri and ct for the planning stage. then the cyberknife.

    Doing hormone therapy after that for assurance of getting it all complete