Another set back

sandra5678 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited July 2023 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Hi everyone! I was hoping not to have to make another post with scary news but here we are. My dad was diagnosed with stage IIIb colon cancer and around this time like year his CEA level went up to 8 after it being normal for serval months. Thankfully all scans and colonoscopy came back clear and his CEA came back down on its own. My dad just went for his follow-up this past Friday and CEA is back up to 6.2 from a 3.2 3 months ago. I’m terrified of what this could mean. He’s still so young and I don’t want to watch him suffer again. He had a yearly CT planned for September but I’m not sure if his oncologist will want to move it up. I guess I just want to ask for prayers and good vibes his way. He seems chill about it since it turned out to be a false alarm before but I can’t help but lie awake overthinking. :(


  • STI_1911
    STI_1911 Member Posts: 21 Member

    I think you know that any kind of inflammation such as gastro- enteritis can cause CEA to rise.

    If CT and colonoscopie are clean, i wouldn't worry too much.

    All the best