
martu Member Posts: 6 Member
edited July 2023 in Breast Cancer #1

Hello all,

I am new to this. I had a mammogram on Monday followed by an ultrasound. The Mammogram didn’t show anything but they’re found an intraductal mass of 1.4 cm with the ultrasound on my left breast categorized as birad 4. I am scared. I started reviewing my previous reports and noticed that in 2020 an ultrasound found debris in the same location and was categorized as benign to follow up in one year . My doctor said I could do the next mammogram in 2 years. So in 2022 I did one and didn’t show anything but bald then an ultrasound was not ordered and here I am now with a mass that growth considerably in the past 3 years. I am upset with my doctor as I feel she was negligent and terrified ! Mainly because I have to kids age 13 and 8. Tomorrow I am going for the biopsy any advice is appreciated ! Thanks so much you are all wonderful !


  • Truckincrazy1
    Truckincrazy1 Member Posts: 95 Member

    I learned to always question drs. If there is anything on a test, I want to know why and what it is. I don't buy this bs we will wait and see. I don't know what bald means for a mass, but the biopsy will give you answers and demand imediate diagnosis. BC is very aggressive, shoot all cancer is. My tumor was found on a low ct scan and would not have been found on a mammogram, they did an immediate biopsy and I had surgery 3 weeks later. It did not spread, triple negative, no chemo, 22 radiation treatments, no lymph node involvement. I really don't get this new doctor wait and see. No I will not wait this is my life!

  • martu
    martu Member Posts: 6 Member

    truckincrazy1 - thanks for your reply. I had my biopsy yesterday and the doctor who performed it was very optimistic that the mass is most likely B9. She said most likely a papiloma. She also mentioned that particles moved around when she was taking the samples and that is also a good sign. I am thinking that benign or not I want it to be removed only to be safe . Thanks for replying - this support group is great

  • LovesPrimes
    LovesPrimes Member Posts: 109 Member

    @martu any more news? I hope that your results were benign.

    January '22, I had something show up on mammogram and they did ultrasound to follow up. After that, they said it was benign and they'd keep an eye on it. December '22, I changed GYNs and my new one understood with my family history that I didn't have peace about it so she ordered a breast MRI. It was supposed to happen February '23 but the day before got canceled because insurance denied it. My GYN had to do a peer to peer review to get them to approve it and then I couldn't get it done until March 8th. I hated that whole experience but I'm so thankful that my GYN got it approved because that is how they found my cancer and it WAS IN THE OTHER BREAST, not the one I was worried about! MRI guided breast biopsy was done March 21st and I was diagnosed the next day. We caught it early.

    I know many doctors hands are tied because of what insurance will cover and not cover. It's so frustrating. My heart hurts for those who don't have someone helping to advocate for them and "fight" insurance for the right diagnostics and treatments.

  • martu
    martu Member Posts: 6 Member

    LovesPrimes - sorry to hear you were diagnosed - I am glad it was caught early and I hope you will have a full recovery. It was a good thing you changed Doctors and that the new one advocated for you. Sending good vibes your way ! I still haven’t received the results and I am starting to worry since I read that when they find a malignancy they have to run more tests and that’s why it takes longer. I was trying to stay positive but today I haven’t stop crying. Thanks for writing - ! I will update you when I get the results -

  • martu
    martu Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hello all- I got the results yesterday - the mass is B9. Thanks a lot for your support, you are all wonderful, kind people ! Wishing you the best in your recovery !

  • LovesPrimes
    LovesPrimes Member Posts: 109 Member

    @martu Wonderful news!!! SO, SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!