Endometrial endometrium adenocarcinoma

cocorkgrl Member Posts: 6 Member

Very scary words FUGO Grade 2 - nothing more on the report. I met with doc and being referred to gyne oncology doctor. Hopefully I’ll know when they can see me by Friday. the first part of my report says…. benign endocervixal glandular mucosa with background reactive appearing ectocervical squamous epithelium negative for malignancy.

If I have grade 2 and the endocervix is benign how can it have spread how do they know grade 2? Im really nervous and scared. Im worried about radiation chemo and I was hoping my grade could be resolved with just surgery. My gyne said others would gladly trade my pathology I guess meaning it could be worse but it’s small comfort. Looking for anyone who can share anything that might give me hope. Thank you!


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,020 Member

    Welcome cocorkgrl. So sorry you have to deal with this. But welcome. There is lots of help here from women who have gone before you. Biopsies can be a D&C or they can be a small tube that takes a sample of endometrium. It sounds like you have the small tube. They take the sample of endometrium and a pathologist looks at the cells under a microscope. They can tell by looking if it is a cancer cell. And what type of cell. They do some genetic testing too, like a p53 is common, and helps tell the difference between the cells. that is how they can say Grade 2 on a biopsy. They cannot say stage OR spread until they do a hysterectomy. The cancer cells probably grew in your endometrium. It is common to have no cancer cells in the cervix but have them in the endometrium. It started there most likely. No one can say until after the hysterectomy. Don't get ahead of yourself on treatment. I had an aggressive type cell but no more cancer when I had the hysterectomy. There is lots of help here if you need treatment. But that is not determined yet. Maybe you don't. Feel free to ask any questions.

  • cocorkgrl
    cocorkgrl Member Posts: 6 Member

    I had a d & c for the biopsy. So I don’t know the stage then, I only know the clinical grade. Post surgical can change the grade and only then will I know the stage. So right now I could have stage 1 grade 2 or stage 3 grade 2 etc?

    is this how they determined grade 2 as well?

    The results of the expression of the mismatch repair proteins of the adenocarcinoma arising in the endometrium are as follows:





    Interpretation: Normal Protein Expression.

    I thank you for replying I’m at the deer in the headlights stage here and I am grateful for all the help I can get.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member

    cocokgrl, try to take a breath. It is all overwhelming and Forherself gave a good suggestion there on not getting ahead of yourself, and Dr Google is a not a reliable source. So glad to hear that you already have an appointment lined up with a gyn onc, it is the specialist you want.

    I know after my D&C I was told I had Grade 3, but I still really needed to wait for the results of the hysterectomy to get the entire picture and then they could build a treatment plan. This is process and it sounds like you are on the right path.

    Please let us know, and as already mentioned, ask any questions.

  • cocorkgrl
    cocorkgrl Member Posts: 6 Member

    thank you! I don’t have an appointment yet, my regular gyne is trying to reach out to find the soonest time I can get in between two of his colleagues. So I’m waiting (the hardest part) I’m trying to breathe, honestly. I’ve learned so much maybe too much in 24 hours. Where it “could” go is the worst place to look I know. I need to calm down. I’m just so sad and scared it’s hard to clear my thoughts. I look away for a second and remember again. I wake up at 4am and it’s in my mind and keeping me awake. It’s new, it’s fresh and it’s fear.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,020 Member

    Good morning! Yes it is scary, and that is normal. I am an RN and had to study this type of cancer as it was new to me too. It is very complicated information you are looking at. I'm glad you had a D&C. I had one too, but they did not mention the cervix results. Mine was 5 years ago so maybe that is something new. I try and not read ANYTHING that is more than 6 years old on the internet. They have really made progress in treating endometrial cancer, and grading it. I think your Mismatch repair protein results are good. My understanding is MMR proteins are natural anti tumor proteins. And it looks like you still have yours. Which is good. You will not know your stage until they do surgery. They remove tubes, uterus, ovaries, and some lymph nodes. You can ask about lymph node mapping. They inject dye into your cervix which identifies your pelvic lymph nodes. They turn green or blue. Your lymph nodes are part of your immune system. I had lymph node mapping and had only two nodes removed. This procedure has about a 98% accuracy, and leaves your nodes intact. Lymphedema may develop if a lot of nodes are removed. Write your questions down so you don't forget any. Yes, your grade could change after surgery. But only up. They treat for the highest grade they find. There are lots of survivors here.

  • cocorkgrl
    cocorkgrl Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you for this good information. I added the lymph node mapping to my question list. The sooner I can get this underway the better. I am no a very good waiter. I guess I have to get better at that. I am 66 and overweight so that goes against me. I have lost almopt 20 lbs with my husband since May on mediterrean plan and need to start walking and boosted walking, I'm recovering still from the d & c and had some bleeding so I don't want to make that worse. Maybe I can lose more before my surgery to help me along. Thank you again, means so much to me to hear from others and get their advice at a time like this.

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Dear cocorkgrl,

    Welcome to our board. My friends here are already offering very good advice. I’m sure others will chime in.

    This IS hard waiting and not knowing. Waking up with the word cancer in your head is very disconcerting and frightening. We’ve all been there and we understand. Yes, check articles on the internet for dates and the shorter time back, the better! The best information and advice I ever got came straight from this board! The latest information and real time, real life experiences that you won’t find anywhere else.

    We’re here for you.

    ❤️, A

  • cocorkgrl
    cocorkgrl Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you, I know I will get my head around it and try to soldier on, at least I pray for that. Thank you again for your comments, these are keeping me sane at the moment.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,020 Member

    Another benefit of the lymph node mapping is it takes one to two hours off the time of surgery, which makes it a safer surgery. You can do this.

  • cocorkgrl
    cocorkgrl Member Posts: 6 Member

    Oh that is a good benefit! I wonder why they don’t just employ it as a matter of course? I hope I can do this I surely will have no choice so I need to get strong.