Here’s something to discuss

Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member
edited July 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1

they say prostrate cancer it’s a second most deadliest cancer for men but the same time they say prostrate cancer is the most beatable treatable cancer. so with this being said would it be safe to say that what makes it so deadly is When men don’t catch it in time and it has spread distantly and that would be a sad thing considering all you really have to do is get PSA testing on a regular basis or if you caught it early and have it keep it under control can it be deadly . Because if that’s the case just keeping an eye on your pSA seems easy Because a lot of cancers you don’t have a clue until it is too latereally They need to bring it to more national attention like they do other cancers like breast cancer I do see they have a prostrate cancer awareness week not sure when that is but I do see it advertised I think On ESPN but I think they need to broaden that



  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,266 Member


    Sympathize with your comments. There is a Mens health month(June) and Movember(Nov) with the latter more geared to Prostate cancer. We need more awareness for the benefits of early detection via PSA monitoring.

    Dave 3+4

  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 379 Member

    I think what makes it still so deadly is that there is a big difference between G6 and G10., and the sheer number of people that have it. Sometimes you get a bad roll off the dice, and with the huge numbers, even a small percentage =lots of good folks.

    But never stop trying to smite the foe.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,586 Member


  • 1Walleyejones
    1Walleyejones Member Posts: 4 Member

    Well from what I have been told PSA scores are not always accurate. Yes more times than not. In my case my PSA score was .079 in January 2022 and in January 2023 it was advance prostate cancer and my score was 1120.00

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member

    I’m really sorry to hear that I take it you were doing your Your due diligence like getting tested every six months or year and then that happened and you must’ve been shocked really sorry to hear that I hope it all works out well

  • 1Walleyejones
    1Walleyejones Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks Steve, Yes I had a cystscopy done last fall because they thought some signs led to bladder cancer. My oncologist radiation Dr. Thinks I had this cancer for 4 to 5 years and my PSA was not showing it. I had some signs like blood in urine but undetectable to the eye. These doctors were looking at bladder cancer and it came back negative. I think if they would have done a biopsy of my prostate they would have found something. It's one of those things what can I say each of these guys are considered very good urologists. I thought I did everything I could.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member

    Psa is sometimes off but not ny a thousand wow seems rare i will pray u lake it thru