Extreme claustrophobia and need an MRI

khays648 Member Posts: 1 Member
edited July 2023 in Kidney Cancer #1

Hope everyone here is doing well. I have a question. I have been diagnosed (by a biopsy) with breast cancer and now they want to do an MRI. I am being told it will be a closed MRI and I will be given two valium. I am EXTREMELY claustrophobic (had a donut CT scan and freaked out even on that) so am wondering if there are magic words I need to say to get them to use an open MRI OR to completely knock me out for the closed one. It is a breast MRI so I don't think I need to be awake to breathe or hold my breath since my understanding is that the breasts hang out anyway. I am literally more freaked out about the MRI itself than what it will find. Seems like they would have to do something (other than 2 valium which WILL NOT cut it) to help me. Can I make them refer me to an open MRI? Should I try to find another place to treat my cancer that will use an open MRI? I know they say open MRIs are not as good, but I would rather have them radiate more than they need to than go into a closed MRI. Please advise and thanks so much!


  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Hi khays,

    It's hard - I'm claustrophobic, too, and my MRIs can be difficult. A few thoughts-

    -Some people have success with having their eyes covered, like having a towel over their eyes so they can't see. This did NOT work for me, but the technicians said they have success with this.

    -Changing up the position helped me out once. Instead of arms at my side, I was adjusted so that I could have my hand by my face - it let me itch my nose or adjust my ear plugs or wipe my lips to help me calm down my breathing.

    -It sounds silly, but don't discount positive thinking. Think about how you have to get through this, who you're doing this for, etc. Maybe promise yourself a treat after you get through it.

    -Talk to your doctor about the open MRI machine. For my chest/abdomen scans we use the open MRI machine, so I've learned to crane my neck so I can see out the open end of the machine. It's not super-comfy on my neck, but it's the way I've managed to get through my MRIs.

    Good luck. You can do it!

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    I think you also posted this on BCO? I didnt realize you were also a kidney cancer patient - not too many of us have had both. Unlike with kidney cancer imaging, breast cancer MRIs are face down, with the torso propped on a small pedestal at the patient's sternum, and the breasts suspended so the MRI can get the three dimensional view. The pain of your upper body weight on your sternum might be enough to distract you from your anxiety. I'm not joking, it took all my concentration and mental and physical endurance to get through that, and I do okay with MRIs otherwise. But it's the best way for the surgeon to see your tumor and any satellites so they can get a clean excision.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member

    A good friend has claustrophobia. With permission all around, she was given a general anesthetic so she could get through the MRI with her breast cancer DX. She survived and it's been a number of years since the dbl. mastectomy.

    It' doesn't hurt to ask your doc.
