Pet scan not clean

giuliano Member Posts: 2 Member

I just received my pet scan on line. It should my lymphoma in my lymph nodes gone. Nbut it shows activity in my sternum w hi hi I haven’t heard before. I had breast cancer 10 years ago and had a bilateral mastectomy and lots of radiation. Did it come back. I’m terrified.



  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,500 Member

    Sorry to hear of your concerns. Dying tumors will demonstrate hypermetabolic activity on a PET scan. Tumor necrosis is an energy-consuming process, inasmuch as your body has to process and eliminate the dead and dying cells. One other thing to consider is the Standard Uptake Value, or. SUV of the hypermetabolic areas. Single-digit SUVs are of lesser concern, while those that are well into double digits may warrant further examination. Rather than suffering in terror, why not call, email or reach out to doctor via MyChart if you have it? There may be a far less sinister explanation for all of it.

  • giuliano
    giuliano Member Posts: 2 Member

    I have a phone interview with him tomorrow at 3. Today I’ve had 2 anxiety attacks. I’m in bed with Ativan helping e through the day

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,500 Member

    Consider some counseling or other therapy! No way you should live in a state of fear! As to anxiety, the gold standards treatment (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is drug-free and can even be done over the phone, if need be. We are intended to exist, to live, in peace. There is something which will provide that peace. Please search until you find it!