No Lupron side effects. Is this normal?

MGTD Member Posts: 7 Member
edited July 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1

Been on a 3 month shot of Lupron for over a month. Scheduled for radiation latter this month. I have read all about the horrible side effects of Lupron that can occur.

I have always been in good shape. I do 30 minutes of circuit weight trading on machines almost every day and hike with my dogs in the national forest for about a hour each day except for heavy snow season then I do 30 minutes on the indoor track. I have actually lost some winter weight rather then gain it as I was told to expect.

Will the other shoe drop. Is it normal to have no real side effects?

Forgot in my profile that prior to the Lupron shot I was put on Tamoxifen and Casodex to control breast issues and the testosterone flare with Lupron.

I realize this cancer effects everyone differently but it just seems weird or am I concerned about nothing.


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,266 Member

    Hi MGTD,

    I used to have a 1953 MGTD for a few years. On your Lupron issue, if you have no major side effects consider that a definite plus. Never been on LUPRON so I don’t know if one month is too soon for side effects to show up. Good luck………….

    Dave 3+4

  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 486 Member

    Let's see how you are feeling with Lupron and its side effects after 2 months.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,586 Member

    Like Joseph wrote, it may take a while for the side effects to show up. Enjoy the positives while they last. Moreover, individual responses vary a great deal.

    The exercise regimen that you described is excellent and will help in the long run. Keep it up!

  • MGTD
    MGTD Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi Cleveland guy. Funny you mention the TD. I tried everything I could think of to make it modern road worthy - supercharger, changed differential gearing, reworked the head and ported and polished it, etc. It was actually dangerous on modern highways. So I sold it. I truly loved that car.

    Old Salt and Joseph. Been thinking about the possible delay in side effects and here is something that maybe impacting the delay. Any thoughts. Prior to the Lupron shot I had a Dexa scan and testosterone level checked. It was reported as 687 out of 800.

    I thought the combination of Lupron and Casodex would have an almost immediate impact in stopping testosterone.

    With a 3 month shot I do not have much choice in waiting to see the impact.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,586 Member

    In the clinical trial that was presented to the FDA, it took about 3 weeks for the T to drop to very low:

    lupron-depot-1-3-4-6-mos-spl (

    You may be a bit of an outlier. Ask for a T test to see if the Lupron doesn't 'work' for you; there are several other options.

  • MGTD
    MGTD Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thanks oldsalt. That attached was extremely informative. My urologist is not a prostate cancer specialist so I feel like I need to constantly do my own research to ensure I am getting what I need within the resources available. Thanks to this and another forum I do the best I can. I am amazed at the resources available at some of those “centers of excellent” facilities but rural living has offered great trade offs over the years.

    This is a rather small regional hospital and in fairness to him and them they do the best they can with the volume and resources they have. I recently moved onto a medical oncologist who will manage me after my radiation and next Lupron shot. So before that I will request testosterone lab work be done to see if the Lupron is reducing it and how fast. Really appreciate the input and assistance.

  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 486 Member

    I've been on Lupron at two different times during my journey with PCa, and the side effects did not become prominent until the second month of treatment. Currently, I've been off Lupron for four months after a two year protocol, and my side effects have yet to reduce at all.

  • sharris715
    sharris715 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I am a fairly active individual. 6'1" 180 lbs with a resting heart rate of 55bpm. I may not be as active as MGTD, who started this thread, but I average about 7000 steps/day according to Fitbit. I also had no adverse effects from Lupron after the first month. However, when month two rolled around, I have been having hot flashes at least 6 times/day. It is most annoying at night while sleeping.

  • MGTD
    MGTD Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thought I would give an update. I was on Bicalutamide before the Lupron for five days to avoid the spike. My baseline testosterone was 587 and had T tested after 1 month in. It was <7. So far I have escaped the side effects except lose of sex drive. Count me as a lucky one.

    Get my last Lupron July 17 and will be off Lupron October 19. Just completed 20 external beam radiation to prostate and pelvic lymph nodes. Fatigue is a issue.