What Else Can We Do For The Pain?

hinei Member Posts: 5 Member
edited June 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1

My 81 year Father was recently diagnosed with metastasis prostate cancer. It was shocking news and such a blow to us all. He completed a few radiation sessions and continues to take all his medications well. We are awaiting the start of his hormone therapy in a few weeks. Although he has prescription meds for his pain, which help him move about the day, he still complains of some degree of pain. It shatters my heart to see him like this since he has always been very healthy and strong. Is there anything else we can do to ease his suffering? He has edema on his feet due to some of the medication, but he was given something for that, but has yet to improve after 4 days of taking it. Would starting treatment sooner make a difference to his condition? Thank you!


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,026 Member

    hinei welcome to the board. I am from another page but I am an RN. I am so sorry to read about your Father's pain. It seems to be a problem these days getting enough pain medication, narcotic pain medication which is sometimes the only thing that will work. Have you discussed this with his oncologist? There are pain management specialists too. I would request a referral to one if the oncologist doesn't help. And there is medical marijuana you can supplement with over the counter. And maybe if your Father's pain is worse at night a sleeping medication would help him get to sleep. Heating pads also might help. Elevating his legs during the day would help with edema of the feet. And I hope he is able to walk some. Walking is very good for so many functions of the body. Can he also take Tylenol and Ibuprofen to supplement the prescription pain medication? Just make sure he is not. a fall risk with the medication. Keep after the doctor. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

  • hinei
    hinei Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you so much, Forherself. I appreciate your input and thoughts. He is taking Oxycodone for his pain along with Tylenol. It does help him get through the day. It's tougher when he has to lay down or get up. Surprisingly, he had no pain yesterday and had a burst of energy. Very strange. I hope it lasts, even if temporary to give him a break. He has an Oncologist and will be receiving actual treatment soon. I didn't know about the pain management specialists and will have to look into that. Thank you for your suggestions. He did sleep with his legs elevated, but it didn't help. That's when he was prescribed Rx to remedy it. The pharmacists and a nurse told me it may take some time because it is quite swollen. He is able to walk and get around, just not as fast as before... He is a fall risk due to his current condition and possibly medication. We remind him of that constantly. You're right about keeping after the Doctor. I'm consistently (not without valid reasons) a nuisance (but a respectful and understanding one) when it comes to my Father's medical needs and care. With the Oncologist being extremely busy and everyone short staffed, it makes things a littler harder.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,026 Member

    A respectful nuisance is good. It sounds like you are doing everything for your Father. One other thing that might be available is Palliative care. You can ask about it. It is about proving comfort in his home, and help planning his movement around the house safely. The patient can receive treatment while enrolled in Palliative care. One other thing I learned from an old nurse in Northern Ireland. Your Fathers foot is swollen and increasing the circulation in his leg will help move the fluid. She said bend your foot up toward the knee. It makes the calf contract and it moves the fluid in the lower leg. It's a small movement but it helps. Good luck.

  • hinei
    hinei Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you again, Forherself. Will try the foot bend technique. I am also looking into Palliative care. Good suggestions.

  • SeaLevel56
    SeaLevel56 Member Posts: 1 *

    I'm so sorry to hear this. We got a hospital bed for my father and an alternating pressure air mattress topper to help with his pain and reduce bedsores. For his chair we got a ROHO cushion that helped immensely. If you are in hospice care they will cover those items, but I found them on Amazon and Wal-Mart and purchased directly.

  • hinei
    hinei Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you for the great suggestions, SeaLevel56! I will definitely look into this soon. I'm so glad that these things have helped your Father ease his pain. Just trying to do whatever I can to help him feel better since everything else is out of my control. Thanks again!

  • Frankiet
    Frankiet Member Posts: 9 Member

    Medical Marijuana is a good pain reliever. There is a product called RSO Rick Simpsons oil. Google it!